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Krishna Vishwakarma’s Avatar

Krishna Vishwakarma

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
8335 Reads
1 Karma

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Simone’s Avatar
Simone Apr 05, 2020 1221 views

I do not know what my career should be

Hello, I am in college and am unsure of what my career should be. I hate math and science, so I know that the STEM field is not for me. I do like helping others and am considering education. The only issue I have with being a teacher is that the pay is low, and I am constantly told that that...

Murtaza’s Avatar
Murtaza Apr 05, 2020 7231 views

What is your definition of failure?

I have seen people struggle in different ways based on the task or project we take up. Does that mean we all struggle in the same way? #college