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Rochester, New York
2 Questions
236 Karma

MaryKate’s Career Goals

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MaryKate Apr 14, 2020 522 views

What is a way that an interior designer could possibly guarantee a more stable income and lifestyle?

I know there could be the possibility to pair it with something else but I am not totally sure I would want to pair it with Architecture so I am looking for other ideas. This is something I might want to major in but I am concerned about the income and not making enough for myself #interiordesign .

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MaryKate Apr 07, 2020 748 views

Are there online free informational courses to help people figure out what career they are interested in? If so, any in particular you would suggest?

I am a highschooler trying to figure out what career I might be interested in. And I am home much more and trying to find opportunities to learn more about those professions. #career