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Alyssa Podgorski’s Avatar

Alyssa Podgorski

NIR Technologist
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
South Saint Paul, Minnesota
4 Answers
5187 Reads
31 Karma

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Shanvi’s Avatar
Shanvi Apr 23, 2020 1944 views

What are good electives for a high schooler interested in technology and engineering?

For next year's school session I am having trouble selecting my classes and electives. I don't want to pick electives that won't be useful in my career (whatever career that may be), so I'm just puzzled on what to choose. I'm interested in possibly pursuing #technology and #engineering

Hailin’s Avatar
Hailin Apr 23, 2020 2105 views

How did studying abroad shape your career?

I am currently a student at UW. I am interested in studying abroad (specifically Tsinghua University) during my junior year. Out of curiosity, what are your favorite aspects of studying abroad? How did it shape you and your career? Which part of the experience stood out to you?...

Tyra’s Avatar
Tyra Apr 04, 2020 1151 views

How cak highschool students gain hands on knowledge in the STEM field?

I am currently a junior and I plan on becoming an engineer. I am very interested in becoming a biomedical engineer but, I also want to learn about other fields. I'm sesrching for ways to do so my senior year so I have some background knowledge before college. #engineer #biomedical-engineering