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Steven Hess’s Avatar

Steven Hess

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Toledo, Ohio
4 Answers
5799 Reads
11 Karma

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Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 2208 views

When did you realize that you wanted to become an engineer, and how did you strive to become one?

I am a junior in high school and I am passionate about engineering. I want to know what professionals did in order to become one! #engineering #civil-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career

Rainer’s Avatar
Rainer Apr 25, 2020 2090 views

How much should a mechanical engineer know about electronics and communication system?

I would like to know what is the necessary background to understand it and apply it in the field. Is it good if I am well versed with electronics, electrical and communications system? Will I get a chance to apply it in projects?#engineering #electrical-engineering #electrical...

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 711 views

If I wanted to become an engineer, what classes and/or skills would you recommend me learn to succeed in college and life after college?

I am a junior in high school and I am trying to get the most of out my high school classes and opportunities to be a successful engineer. Help me out!
#engineer #student #high-school

Taner’s Avatar
Taner Apr 09, 2020 937 views

Going into my first MEP Internship, what should I expect?

Over the summer I will be working in my first internship as an electrical engineer, at an MEP company. My auto cad skills are very basic, What proficiency of AutoCAD would they expect me to come in with? And what can I do to really excel and do well in this internship to come out with the most...