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Michelle Hayes’s Avatar

Michelle Hayes

Senior Recruiter
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Salt Lake City, Utah
3 Answers
52799 Reads
41 Karma

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Karan’s Avatar
Karan Apr 23, 2020 1401 views

Did you choose your career path to better your life or to change the world?

21 year old Sociology major #careers

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 21, 2020 48909 views

Strengths and Weakness interview Question Help!!!!!!!!

I do not know how to Answer my strengths and weakness?

I guess I really don't know it. Since it's the reason why I don't get a callback.

How can I find my strengths and weakness? where do I start?

#interviews #career #career-counseling #job #job-application

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny Apr 20, 2020 2769 views

How can I be more confident?

I am majoring in architecture for college and I know that there will be many presentations that I will be giving. I am naturally a shy person but I still know exactly what I'm doing. However, when I am presenting I start forgetting what I have to say. #architecture #college