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Joshua Dingott’s Avatar

Joshua Dingott

Patent Attorney
Legal Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
4 Answers
6123 Reads
31 Karma

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sinna’s Avatar
sinna Apr 01, 2020 1490 views

Career with physics, philosophy, psychology , history or music?

I apologise for how long this post is but, I'm very passionate about physics (especially theoretical like quantum but i do enjoy almost every aspect of physics), music (mostly jazz and classical, but every genre is interesting in its own way), philosophy as well as psychology/neuroscience and...

Harry’s Avatar
Harry Apr 22, 2020 694 views

Aside from working towards medical school and law school, what are essential life skills I need to pick up during and before college?

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #college #medicine

Shanvi’s Avatar
Shanvi Apr 23, 2020 1940 views

What are good electives for a high schooler interested in technology and engineering?

For next year's school session I am having trouble selecting my classes and electives. I don't want to pick electives that won't be useful in my career (whatever career that may be), so I'm just puzzled on what to choose. I'm interested in possibly pursuing #technology and #engineering

Ahmad’s Avatar
Ahmad Apr 24, 2020 2205 views

How to be a better student

#studying-tips #school #higher-education