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Christopher Branche’s Avatar

Christopher Branche

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
4 Answers
7834 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Salma’s Avatar
Salma Apr 26, 2020 1603 views

As an online learner, how can I refresh my brain and continue to motivate myself?

Often times, I’ll be on my phone or computer doing schoolwork for so long that my eyes get blurry and my head hurts. So, that affects my speed and determination to get work done. I was wondering if you had any tips on how to relieve stress and refresh my brain. In addition to study tips, I'm...

Ahmad’s Avatar
Ahmad Apr 24, 2020 2207 views

How to be a better student

#studying-tips #school #higher-education

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Apr 23, 2020 3337 views

Important Skills to Break into Finance?

#finance #business #career

Leo’s Avatar
Leo Apr 21, 2020 838 views

Try to find a job after changing major from petroleum to finance

Hello, I have a degree in Geoscience (petroleum specializaton) and will take a finance master this year. Could you give me any advice on career path? I know that networking is very important in the business field but I find it not easy to build relationship. Could you provide any suggestion on...