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Juan Moncada’s Avatar

Juan Moncada

Sr.Solutions Architect
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
2 Answers
2767 Reads
21 Karma

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Francisco’s Avatar
Francisco Nov 17, 2022 822 views

What related fields to Computer & Information Systems do you think I should consider looking into when working towards it?

like are there other fields that would help me in the long run

Shanvi’s Avatar
Shanvi Apr 23, 2020 1938 views

What are good electives for a high schooler interested in technology and engineering?

For next year's school session I am having trouble selecting my classes and electives. I don't want to pick electives that won't be useful in my career (whatever career that may be), so I'm just puzzled on what to choose. I'm interested in possibly pursuing #technology and #engineering