John Sowerby
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What are the benefits of entering into an ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) or a similar program during college?
I have always wanted to serve my country in some fashion and a career in the military is one of the choices I currently have in mind. #college #military #financial-aid

Is there any career options within the military regarding chemistry?
I am very interested in the military and chemistry and I was wondering if both subjects could be integrated together as my career. Right now I am considering majoring in chemistry in college but I still interested in being involved with the military. #chemistry #military

What would a day in the life of a military engineer look like
I am interested in the idea of becoming a military engineer, I am curious what it is like to be in that position and would want to know what life would be like in that field. #engineer #military

How do i have to go to school to in the military
Because I want to serve for my country like my grandpa did #engineer #military #army #air-force #navy

What is the career path to a successful career in the U.S. military?
I'm interested in exploring a career in the military, but I'm not sure exactly what that all entails--whether it's the right choice for me, what the options are within the military, and how to be successful. #career-paths #military #army #air-force #navy