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Kim Randel’s Avatar

Kim Randel

Chief of Staff
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Dallas, Texas
3 Answers
14562 Reads
11 Karma

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Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Apr 24, 2020 1004 views

How has quarantine changed your life style today?

How much has your life changed ever since the #coronavirus out break. What does your day mostly consist of rather it be #reading or #video games . Last of all what are you planning to achieve and be successful at after the #quarantine is lifted.

Salma’s Avatar
Salma Apr 26, 2020 1603 views

As an online learner, how can I refresh my brain and continue to motivate myself?

Often times, I’ll be on my phone or computer doing schoolwork for so long that my eyes get blurry and my head hurts. So, that affects my speed and determination to get work done. I was wondering if you had any tips on how to relieve stress and refresh my brain. In addition to study tips, I'm...

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jun 13, 2016 14449 views

Are Leaders born or made?

I am a high school student and I consider myself a leader. I however, want to improve my leadership skills as I will be taking on bigger leadership positions in the next school year. I know that leaders are made through learning and teaching but also, could it be true that we may be born with...