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Donna Velasquez’s Avatar

Donna Velasquez

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Jose, California
3 Answers
11695 Reads
3 Karma

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Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Apr 29, 2020 1441 views

How did you know what you wanted to do for your career?

In what stage of your educational life did you realize what you wanted to do or are passionate about? I feel pressured and stressed about the fact that I don't know what to do because I feel like everyone else does. Are there any suggestions as to what I should do to get a sense of what I like?...

Mireya’s Avatar
Mireya Oct 04, 2019 1466 views

shopuld i continue with college

#finance #accounting #business

Arely’s Avatar
Arely Oct 07, 2019 9662 views

Which major is better? Math, Finance or Accounting?

I love numbers . I don't know if I should pursue a major in Math, Finance or Accounting. #accounting #finance #business #math #major