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Virginia Rho’s Avatar

Virginia Rho

Cast Member & Operations Administration
Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Honolulu, Hawaii
8 Answers
13075 Reads
1 Karma

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Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor May 13, 2020 4972 views

Should I continue my Degree?

I'm graduating this month from a community college with my Associates in Business. I am thinking about transferring to a university to get my bachelors in marketing, but I honestly don't know what I want to do with my degree/career. I'm struggling to make a decision on whether or not I should...

Tara’s Avatar
Tara May 14, 2020 1639 views

What are some good opportunities for people who want to study marketing?

Hi there,
My name is Tara, I'm currently a junior at Prospect High School. I would love to study marketing and potential information systems. Currently, I'm looking for new opportunities and people to meet. #marketing #business #career #college #entrepreneur

Harry’s Avatar
Harry May 05, 2020 1274 views

What are pros and cons to taking gap years before and after college?

I'm in high school hoping to go into either a health or law profession after college. I am currently undecided about which university I want to go to and what my major will be. #college

Rjay’s Avatar
Rjay Nov 04, 2019 807 views

What is the most difficult task you ever had to overcome in your job?

#mechanic #engineering

Sincere’s Avatar
Sincere May 07, 2020 2415 views

How can I better myself at staying on task

it’s hard for me to sit down and do work I need like help or someone to sit with me and do my work or at least help me if I get stuck starting something #cantstopmoving

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Mar 02, 2020 753 views

I want to know how to become a foreign service officer

I’m the first in my family to both graduate HS and will now be going to college. I always dreamed of travel and helping others so I decided on diplomacy. I want to join the foreign service and travel the world and work for the government #career . #professional #professional #career...

Camilo’s Avatar
Camilo Aug 12, 2018 925 views

what is the one thing you wish you could accomplish?

Everyone has that one dream they wish to accomplish. However, when faced with uncertainty & doubt, we tend to give up & take the “safer path”. As a result, our dreams go unfulfilled. If you could accomplish anything in your life, as crazy or ridiculous as it may seem, what would it be? #sucess...

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 18, 2018 1324 views

How do I start combining two majors I love into something beneficial for the public?

I am currently double majoring in dance and psychology at Cal State Fullerton. Later on I want to combine the two to become a child psychologist who incorporates dance into the therapy of children. I don't know where to start and I am hopeful someone will give me some ideas. Thank you :)...