Career questions tagged mechanic

What can I expect workload wise if I decide to work as a car mechanic?
I want to know how it will be like when someone is off work or even how work is divided up.

What is a day as an automotive painter like? How does technology impact the role of an automotive painter? What are the career prospects for an automotive painter?
Job Corps student

Mechanics need to be good a math ?
I understand people in the automotive and heavy equipment mechanic trade need to be proficient in math can you tell me more about how it's used

how difficult is it do get the certifications to be a professional automotive mechanic?
12th grade gearhead.

What type of working environment should I expect as a mechanic?
I'm thinking of going into the mechanic field of work but I'm not sure what type I should be.

What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter this field as an aircraft mechanic?
Aircraft Mechanic

Does working in an automotive repair shop give you a discount for your own car repair ?
I'm looking into working in a repair shop.

What will I do the first couple of weeks in a auto body shop work? What tools and technologies wiil we use the auto body shop? What criteria will a auto body shop look for to get promotions or raises?
I'm going to start training for auto body paint and repair and these are the questions I'm going to consider while working towards my goal.

"What are the first steps I should take if i want to be a auto mechanic.?"
what are the first steps i should do if i want to become a auto mechanic?

I think I'm thinking of doing some job as an aircraft mechanic but would it be good to be that?
What do you think of this job I would like to because I like to fix things and I like that type of work but I don't know I think I need to think a little more

How much will I be getting paid long-term as a diesel mechanic ?
Money is very important as a adult

How did you decide to become a mechanic?
Hello my name is Ismael, and I'm a student at Job Corps I have a question.

I'm going into Job Corps to pursue a trade in Heavy Equipment Mechanics but I'm not sure entirely sure what to expect on how to transition to working on cars.
I'm wanting to learn how to work with Gas/Diesel and Electric (since that's the future). What Steps should I take or classes I should take to learn all this and what does that all look like?

Do you have to be really strong when it comes to being a mechanic or working in engineering?
I am 14 years old, bilingual, and an 8th grader.

What school subjects, if any, do you use for your career as an automobile mechanic?
I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

How much time studying can I expect while pursuing my education for my career as an automobile mechanic?
I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

How often do you get raises/bonuses as an automobile mechanic?
I'm in 10th grade and I want to get a career where I can work on cars

What benefits does Automotive offer?
I want to know some benefits of working in Automotive.

What are the necessary steps to marketing yourself properly in the industry?
What tools will I need?