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Lanzheng’s Avatar
Lanzheng May 01, 2020 879 views

Where can I find energy related internship?

New graduated Master's student studying energy market, energy efficiency, and data analysis. Where can I find an internship related to what I studied? #internship #summer-jobs #Energy #Renewable Energy #Analyst

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Apr 29, 2020 1416 views

How did you know what you wanted to do for your career?

In what stage of your educational life did you realize what you wanted to do or are passionate about? I feel pressured and stressed about the fact that I don't know what to do because I feel like everyone else does. Are there any suggestions as to what I should do to get a sense of what I like?...

Kyaw Twetar’s Avatar
Kyaw Twetar Apr 23, 2020 701 views

How can I be useful during this volunteering?

#social-work #graduate-school #volunteer

Tejas’s Avatar
Tejas Apr 22, 2020 769 views

How can I do remote volunteering work?

Currently I am a Junior in High School and I am interested in pursuing Medicine as my career. I am a avid soccer player and captain of the VEX robotics team in my high school.
#doctorate-degree #athletics #medicine #career #hospital-and-health-care #medicine

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 806 views

Which type of engineering would benefit me the most: civil or mechanical engineering?

I am a junior in high school and I am looking into becoming either a mechanical or civil engineer. However, I don’t know which one would fit me the best as a person and which one would benefit me the most. #mechanical-engineering #engineering #civil-engineering

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 2173 views

When did you realize that you wanted to become an engineer, and how did you strive to become one?

I am a junior in high school and I am passionate about engineering. I want to know what professionals did in order to become one! #engineering #civil-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 658 views

What are the requirements for a career in engineering?

I have been passionate in engineering, but I am looking for help because I am not sure what I should be looking to do in high school or college. #engineering #college #highschool

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Apr 22, 2020 696 views

If I wanted to become an engineer, what classes and/or skills would you recommend me learn to succeed in college and life after college?

I am a junior in high school and I am trying to get the most of out my high school classes and opportunities to be a successful engineer. Help me out!
#engineer #student #high-school

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