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Moiz’s Avatar
Moiz Aug 11, 2018 653 views

At what moment in college do you get the feeling that the major you have chosen is truly for you?

I have known folks that graduated with a law degree and ended in medical school and those that graduated with a petroleum engineering work at banks. How and when do you know what you have chosen is for you? #scholarship #career #frustration #confusion #satisfaction...

Moiz’s Avatar
Moiz Aug 11, 2018 853 views

Upon graduating with a decent engineering degree and working just about enough to pay off the debt, how can one give back to the society?

My mother always emphasized on something - "always leave something better than how you found it". I would like to live up to her model.

#engineering #volunteering #payback #mindfulness #satisfaction #technology #upliftment #scholarship

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jun 29, 2018 842 views

Should I do marching band in college?

I know that in college, marching band is intense and takes a lot of time. Is it fun and challenging and worth the time investment? Or is it not worth the time spent? #Band #Marching

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jun 29, 2018 831 views

Should I do a sport in College?

I heard that doing a sport in college is really intense. I am on my school's swim team and I'm not good but not bad either. I mostly do it for fun. Would joining a swim team in college be worth it? #sports #swim #college #athlete #athletics #college-athlete

Lia’s Avatar
Lia May 23, 2018 755 views

What kind of jobs would people with a doctorate in linguistics get?

#college #english #linguistics

Lia’s Avatar
Lia May 23, 2018 652 views

What kind of jobs would fit a double major in linguistics and business?

#majors #college-major #college-majors #double-major #major #linguistics #business

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley May 22, 2018 869 views

What is the most interesting field in early childhood education?

I want to major in early childhood education and I was wondering what the most interesting thing to do is in this field? #college #major #majors #field #education

Alana’s Avatar
Alana May 14, 2018 673 views

Why is applying for scholarships soooooo harddddddd?

The only thing between me and my dream school is money. I have been trying every trick in the book and nothing seems to be working out, they all have these crazy requirements that I just don't fit. #stressed

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Apr 19, 2018 2710 views

What is the best way to get focused and start studying?

I have such a hard time starting projects, homework, studying, etc. and it's so frustrating. Sometimes when I do start I can't get focused and I'm not sure why. Help.

#school #homework #studying-tips

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Apr 19, 2018 760 views

What career options do I have with a degree in liberal studies?

The liberal arts major encompasses everything that I love (history, english, art, culture), but I have no idea what I can do with it. I want to make sure that my future is secure by choosing this major. #college-advice #college-major #career-counseling #career-path #career-choice #indecisive...

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Mar 25, 2018 504 views

What jobs are open to psych majors?

I'm interested in my psych AP class, but not sure I want to be a psychiatrist or a therapist. I know people can get into any job, but i'm wondering what types of non-psych jobs tend to be good fits for psych majors? Any real world examples? #psychology #job-search

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Mar 25, 2018 670 views

Do people find Vet opportunities near their home town or do you have to relocate

I'm potentially interested in veterinary medicine but unsure of the opportunities after college graduation and vet school. Do people often relocate for jobs or do you find enough opportunities near your home town vicinity? #veterinary #jobs

Meaghan’s Avatar
Meaghan Mar 09, 2018 648 views

What careers are the most successful in america today?

I want to know what careers are the most impactful in today's society. #jobs #career #career-counseling

Meaghan’s Avatar
Meaghan Mar 09, 2018 843 views

What goals should I set for myself to become a great nurse?

It is my goal to work to the best of my ability and utilize whatever means necessary to excel as a nurse. #nursingschool

Payton’s Avatar
Payton Mar 04, 2018 616 views

As a political science major, would it be hard to have internships that you follow your beliefs?

I love politics but I don't always like that you can't share your beliefs if you're in a specific job. #political-science #futurelawyer

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