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Brookline, Massachusetts

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Raina’s Avatar
Raina Jan 29, 2021 859 views

What majors should I do?

I've been wanting to become a pediatrician, so I was wondering for some majors to major in. #pediatrician #major

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Jan 10, 2021 623 views

What are common mistakes people make with their money in the law industry?

#business-law #corporate-law #law

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Dec 15, 2020 791 views

I would like to get some advice. I don't really know what my next steps should be.

I was born in Massachusetts but I moved to Brazil a long time ago so I've been studying here ever since. I went back last year, because I wanted to finish High School there but, due corona virus my family thought it was better if I came home, so I did. I am currently a junior in High School and...

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Nov 29, 2020 3995 views

How to get a letter of recommendation when I'm a shy student?

I'm a decent student who occasionally contributes to the conversation and I get A's and B's in school, but I don't think I have developed a close relationship with any of my teachers. Speaking up in class is hard for me and it often feels like I'm being drowned out but other students. I'm...

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Nov 25, 2020 741 views

If you had six months of free time between college graduation and your first job, what would you do during it?

Right now I have the great opportunity of having the months between January and June completely free as I allocated this time to travel and explore between college graduation and my first job. However, travel is looking unlikely due to the pandemic. I'd like to try and find a few things to do...

Tessa’s Avatar
Tessa Nov 18, 2020 1227 views

What advise do you have for a soon-to-be undergraduate aspiring to be a veterinarian?

I realized I absolutely love working with animals and people, and my favorite type of subjects throughout my whole life have been science classes, hence why I want to be a veterinarian. I want to be able to improve the lives of my animal patients, and provide them with the best care I can to...

Rasya’s Avatar
Rasya Nov 18, 2020 1329 views

What are the best ways to stand out in the college admissions process?

I have good grades and extracurriculars but is there something else I could do to really boost my application?

#college #collegeadmissions #business #finance #ivyleague #GivingisCaring

Silvana’s Avatar
Silvana Nov 05, 2020 1196 views

How the computer science impact movies and television?

Student #student

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