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California, USA

Eryx’s Avatar
Eryx Sep 17, 2021 401 views

what science courses should I be taking to become a radiologist?

I would like to know what will help me prepare. #science

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Sep 17, 2021 694 views

What are some of the few ways to catch up or self learn for any coding-related careers?

I really want to pursue a career in programming, but only have a little experience with programming. I am also applying to college in a few months, and wanting to major in CS. Should I self learn or catch up, and should I be worried?
#career #math #computer #programming

Engoron’s Avatar
Engoron Sep 17, 2021 526 views

How difficult is it to jump into a career for CS regarding specific branches of it?

I'm a high school senior seeking to pursue a major in Computer Science in college/university because I'm passionate about a particular branch in CS, AI. As AIs are becoming more practical, intelligent, and utilized, I'm fascinated by all the capabilities that AI has across a spectrum of...

Jiarong’s Avatar
Jiarong Sep 17, 2021 668 views

What are some important skills you need to work in the tech industry?

#technology #programming #engineering

junhua’s Avatar
junhua Sep 17, 2021 617 views

Is it hard to have a career?

I'm thinking of having career, is it hard? #career

lily’s Avatar
lily Sep 17, 2021 1081 views

What is the most stressful thing about working in a office?

I have an interest in the financial field, like financial planning or accounting. #finance

Hayden’s Avatar
Hayden Sep 17, 2021 533 views

What keeps you motivated to work?

I'm interested in going into the nursing field. #nursing #nurse

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Sep 17, 2021 4432 views

What are some extracurricular activities if I want to be a data scientist?

I’m a senior and I was wondering what I should be doing or consider doing in high school or outside of school so that it would get me ready for data science. What are some resources that can help? #data-science

DeBond’s Avatar
DeBond Sep 17, 2021 439 views

Can I do abroad study if I transfer from a different school?

I wish to go to pursue a career in mechanical engineering. I first want to go to city college for general courses then transfer but I also would like to study abroad. My question asks if I were to transfer after my second year, am I able to go study abroad on year three. #study-abroad #college

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Sep 17, 2021 660 views

what are the most important things to consider when choosing a major?

I'm indecisive about my major and I just want some advice that'd help me choose the right one for myself and my future. #college #major

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Sep 17, 2021 532 views

How do you find a career that you like

I want to find a career that is fun for me and that will be interesting in the future. Also being able to have fun and have a purpose in that field. #findingcareers

Cyrus’s Avatar
Cyrus Sep 17, 2021 486 views

How long should I commit to a career before deciding whether or not it's right for me?

I am a senior in high school wanting to go into an engineering degree, but I am not sure what type of engineering I want to do. I am willing and excited to try different types of majors within engineering, but I do not want to spend too much time in one area if I don't immediately think it's...

Edwin’s Avatar
Edwin Sep 17, 2021 649 views

What coding language I should start to learn as a beginner?

I want to learn how to code but I don't know what language I should learn. #coding #programming

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Sep 17, 2021 488 views

How can I make a game like CSGO for consoles and mobiles?


hannah’s Avatar
hannah Sep 17, 2021 418 views

what classes should I take in college for app/game development?

#app-development #programming #game-design

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