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Callaway, Virginia

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Love’s Avatar
Love May 15, 2015 1215 views

What classes should I take to become a good Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine?

Want to become the best Doctor I can be. #medicine #health #pediatrician #family-medicine #herbalism #herbology #western-medicine

Love’s Avatar
Love May 15, 2015 1382 views

Is there any nation wide standard when it comes to herbology?

I am interested in herbs. #medicine #health #pediatrician #family-medicine #herbalism #herbology #western-medicine

Love’s Avatar
Love May 15, 2015 1130 views

Is there a college that combines herbs and modern medicine?

I want to combine herbs with modern medicine to further improve heath care. #medicine #health #family-medicine #pediatrican #herbalism #herbology #western-medicine

Love’s Avatar
Love May 15, 2015 1119 views

I want to be a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, but not sure what to specialize in? Family Doctor or Pediatrician?

Want to become a Doctor. #medicine #health #pediatrician #family-medicine #herbalism #herbology #western-medicine

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