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Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 14, 2016 945 views

Entering college this fall, high school history teacher is my goal, any advise on courses I should take?

I've seen my advisor, but she is just giving me general information. Wanted to know if theirs anything special I should be taking. #educator

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 14, 2016 1260 views

In what ways does Medical School differ from University?

I am planning on becoming a physician and I would like to know in what ways Medical school will be different than University and not in the obvious ways. I mean like the amount work, studying, deadlines, etc... I want to become an OB/GYN, but I think Medical school will the time of exploration...

Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 14, 2016 1274 views

What is the transfer process like for a community college student to becoming an University student?

I am currently a student at Riverside City College, and I am planning to transfer to a University in the next few years. I wanted to know what the transfer process entails for not only out of state schools, but also California Universities as well. #school-counselor #education-counselor

kaneez’s Avatar
kaneez May 14, 2016 747 views

what i do in my ciass 10th to improve my mathematics subject

to paas in ssc

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 13, 2016 1130 views

When is the best time to pursue graduate school? Should it be immediately after getting my B.A.? Or should I wait?

I will graduate soon, and I don't know if I should add experience to my resume before getting I apply for a Master's program. #teacher #professor #graduate-school #graduate

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel May 13, 2016 1191 views

When I attend college to become a forensic psychologist, what kind of classes are recommended?

I really want to know this because my dream is to become a blood spatter analyst. the more I know about these things, the easier that will be. #forensics #forensic-psychology #psychology #science #college

Nathaniel’s Avatar
Nathaniel May 13, 2016 1993 views

Where is the best place for a forensic psychologist to search for a career?

I live in a small town in Kentucky but my ultimate goal is to move to Florida, I just wanna know if that's a good idea. #forensics #forensic-psychology

Armine’s Avatar
Armine May 13, 2016 1370 views

Is it difficult to go to Med school with an anthropology major?

I really like my major, but I've heard its career prospects are not promising. #pre-med #anthropology

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