East Saint Louis, Illinois

What are the prerequisites to become a professor at a college?
I am studying Information Systems Technology and am planning on becoming a teacher some day. #teaching #professor #information-technology #university-teaching

Does the National Career Readiness certification imply that your employer will want to promote you?
When I was taking the National Career Readiness certification (NCRC) exam, there were many people who are being employed by places like Fanuiel and Eastman Chemical. So, I wonder if their employers actually want to promote them or if they just want to see their employee's status....

Is it common for employers to offer education to their employees?
I am curious because many of my friends, including my brother, have been offered a paid tuition to attend college. So, I wonder if when I get a job, is it likely that I will have an employer that will want me to continue my education. #higher-education #employer-relations #employee-training...

What type of businesses offer programs to teach customer service, project management, or team-work?
I am planning to go into system administrations and wonder what types of programs I will have to attend to obtain the job and/or put on my resume. #project-management #resume-writing #customer-service #team-leadership #system-administration #team-work

How does the Phi Theta Kappa seal on my degree affect my means of employment?
Just the other day I was invited to join Phi Theta Kappa and was wondering what it actually looks like to employers. #community-college #associates-degree #employee-benefits #employee-recognition #phi-theta-kappa

How often do employers acknowledge the National Career Readiness Certification?
I am going to be taking the certification exam tomorrow and I am wondering if actually obtaining the certification is of any worth to employers. #employee-training

What type of qualifications do I need to become an administrative assistant or manager?
I have basic certifications for Microsoft Office and am attending college for a degree in Information Systems Technology, but I wonder what all I can do with that degree in terms of network management and administration. #management #information-technology #administration #project-management...

What is the best online program for obtaining cyber-security experience?
I may be planning on going into the cyber-security/network security, so I was wondering where and what would offer me the best experience and knowledge on security basics at any place and anytime. #networking #cyber-security #computer-security #it-management #online-learning #network-security...
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