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Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 22, 2016 1080 views

What specific fields are there in business and what is the outlook for a business major?

I am very interested in economics and business but am not sure what major I want to specify myself to. I'm a junior in high school. I know still have time to decide but I want to have a general idea of the different majors. #economics #buisness #corporate-finance

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 2221 views

What made you decide that you wanted to choose entertainment as your career?

There are so many careers to choose from, and I know specifically for me I can do a whole lot more. And because I'm also choosing this path I would like to know why so many people choose this route aside from my reasoning. #entrepreneurship #career #entertainment #career-choice #career-path

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 1205 views

How long after entering the media/entertainment career do you start to see success?

I'm a very anxious person, and when it comes to entertainment I love to see the excitement and the demand people bring forth for continue. Not everything that is being marketed is going to be main streamed right away, so I just wanted to know how long would it usually take, on average?...

Ishan’s Avatar
Ishan Aug 08, 2016 1041 views

I wanted to have a degree in buissness, so should i go diretly to a undergraduate buissness or should i do enginnering first?

I'm a high school student thinking about my future. I would love to have this question help not just my future, but everyone else's who is in my career path . #engineering #mba #beginner

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jul 15, 2016 1307 views

How do you write a resume?

I believe that there should be classes one could take to make themselves more appealing in their resumes when trying to get a job. I personally am about to graduate college and have no idea where to even start with a resume. #networking #sociology #resume-writing #social-networking...

Michi ’s Avatar
Michi Jul 11, 2016 900 views

Is it possible to have mutiple careers? Like for examole, some celebs would also be an actress/actor or in music industry.

My name is Michi. I'm
a student in high school and these are questions are curious about. I've always been interested in a variety of careers and don't think I'd be able to do just one. #in #knowledge

Tram’s Avatar
Tram Jun 10, 2016 1171 views

What are the advices you want to tell the younger you when you were in college? Study- wise, career-wise ...

I want to hear the tips from college graduated to enhance my college experiences. #college #graduated

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 30, 2016 1155 views

What type of internships can I look into while working towards my degree in Sociology and Anthropology?

I am looking for an internship for my senior year in my undergraduate studies. I'm looking because it seems to me that most students receive jobs faster when they have done an internship at some point throughout their college career. It seems to be a great way to get my foot in the door, build...

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 30, 2016 2239 views

What jobs can I find with a minor in Gerontology?

I am currently studying Sociology and Anthropology with a concentration in Conflict Resolution. I also chose to minor in Gerontology. #jobs #career-path #sociology #anthropology #conflict-resolution #gerontology

Priyanka’s Avatar
Priyanka May 30, 2016 1030 views

What advice do you have for students who are trying to decide on a career path?

I know a lot of students who have difficulty picking out a career path to take even after their senior year in college, and i feel that they will need some advise to answer this question. #college #career #mentors

Chris’s Avatar
Chris May 28, 2016 1076 views

Pursuing my passion to serve my community, where do I turn after college to become apart of a police force.

I need help to figure out where to go after getting my degree in criminal justice. #police #police-officer #firefighting #community

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa May 27, 2016 773 views

What one thing about nursing do you wish you had known when you started as a new and inexperienced nurse?

I want to be nurse and I think it is prudent to learn from others who are already "traveling that road". What advice can you give me? #nursing #nurse #pediatric-nursing

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa May 27, 2016 1047 views

How has nursing changed you?

I am considering a career in nursing (thinking about pediatric nursing) and I want to assess the impact nursing will have on me. I've heard some horror stories about high turnover rates among nurses, yet I know I want to help people. How can I know that this is the correct career choice for...

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas May 26, 2016 907 views

What sort of jobs can you get with a Civil Environmental Engineering Degree?

This is my major and I would like to know from a professional what it's like to find a job that fits with their degree. #engineering #engineer #civil-engineering #environmental-science #environmental

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas May 26, 2016 976 views

What kind of jobs should high school students look for?

When I was in high school, I was limited in my options of finding a job because I had no work experience yet every job wants someone with work experience. I would like to know what jobs kids in high school right now should look for. #college #career #jobs #work #group-work

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