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Juan’s Avatar
Juan Aug 16, 2018 796 views

What factors help in the scholarship slection?

WHat characteristics should I have as a participant to increase my prospects of winning a scholarship. #scholarships

Juan’s Avatar
Juan Aug 16, 2018 533 views

What are the chances of winning a scholarship?

I was wondering of my chances of getting an scholarship. I have applied to a few, I am still new to the process. So I was curious in the precentage of people who win. #scholarships

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Aug 15, 2018 992 views

Do you believe in determining your fate through education or do you believe in more of a"whatever happens, happens" approach when it comes to schools and careers?

Sometimes I think that no matter where I end up or what I do, I will find a way to enjoy it. I was wondering if anyone shares this view or opposes it. #career #fate #college #jobs #life #destiny

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Aug 14, 2018 751 views

I want to double major with music performance and international studies. I know this kind of double major is done often, but is it difficult to balance so many classes, especially with the strict schedule of music?

#music #musician #major #music-performance #double-major #internatioal-affairs

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Aug 14, 2018 2327 views

What is the hardest part of transitioning from high school to college? How do I help myself in that transition?

#high-school #moving #college #college-life

Brenna’s Avatar
Brenna Aug 14, 2018 861 views

I have auditions for music schools in February, how do I best prepare with the volume of things to learn?

I have to prepare 4 pieces, scales (major, minor, chromatic), and an etude. #college #college-selection #music #music-performance #music-industry

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jul 06, 2018 1134 views

What qualifications are required by most interior design firms? If I do not get a bachelor's in interior design, what is another acceptable subject to get my degree in that relates to interior design?

#interior-design #interior-designer #interior-decorator #design

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jul 06, 2018 1078 views

How long does it normally take to become Lead Designer of an Interior Design firm?

#interior-design #interior-designer #interior-decorator #design #business-management

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