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Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine May 13, 2016 1582 views

I want to be an English major, but I'm wondering if there are jobs other than writing related things that English majors are good for? I want to know about availability and diversity in careers for people with this kind of education.

I want to be an English major. #english-composition #academic-english #business-english

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony May 11, 2016 1158 views

What overall percentage of construction and carpenter degree holders receive job placement right out of college

My goal in college is to receive a degree in construction and carpentry and then use my skills to benefit the earth by building green. #construction #carpentry

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis May 11, 2016 965 views

What classes do I have to take to bcome a pediatrician?

I really want to be a pediatrician so since my senior year is next year, I was wondering what classes to take now so that I don't have to take them in college. #biology #chemistry #physics

Fatema’s Avatar
Fatema May 10, 2016 1338 views

Is the process of becoming a doctor worth it?

I know it's time consuming definitely -- 4 years undergrad, another 4 for med school, and maybe 4 more for residency and experience? That's at least 12 years and after all that, a lot of debt might pile up too. So is the time, commitment, and money really worth it? #college #doctor #medicine...

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar May 10, 2016 1286 views

What are some areas that I could intern while in college?

I'll be attending college in the fall and majoring in business administration and would like to know what kinds of fields I could intern before graduating college. #business #internships #entrepreneurship #internship #intern

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar May 10, 2016 1358 views

What are some fields that one can work in after college with a bachelor's degree in business administration?

I'm asking this question because I will be attending college in the fall and will be majoring in business administration and want to get an idea of what fields I could go into with a bachelor's degree in business administration. #business #college-major #entrepreneurship

Fatema’s Avatar
Fatema May 10, 2016 1719 views

How important is math really when pursuing a career in pediatrics?

Math was never my best subject and especially this year, as a high school junior, precalculus hit me hard. When I see numbers mixed with symbols like theta and sin cos etc, I get mini headaches. My cumulative average for ONLY math subjects (algebra, geometry, algebra 2/trig, precalculus) is...

Claudia’s Avatar
Claudia May 07, 2016 1236 views

How much travel is the "perfect" amount?

In the future I hope to work in a position that requires some amount of travel. Based on your experience, how much is too much?
I do hope to start a family in later years. #career #travel

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