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Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 13 281 views

How can I break into writing as a career? How can I make money as a writer. how do I get into acting as a career? How do I get into the videogame design industry with a Union.

How can I break into writing as a career? How can I make money as a writer. how do I get into acting as a career? How do I get into the videogame design industry with a Union.

Theo’s Avatar
Theo May 13 303 views

What sort of training and education would one need to become an Oceanographer?

Im a sophomore and was wondering what this job would entail and what kind of education I would need to get this job.

Naina’s Avatar
Naina May 13 1961 views

What to do with MBA degree?

I am a senior

chris’s Avatar
chris May 10 415 views

how much money do i have to save for college?

what are the cheapest careers to do in college?

chris’s Avatar
chris May 10 498 views

what amount do i have to save to go to college?

what steps do i have to take after graduating?

Ruyi’s Avatar
Ruyi May 10 707 views

Does Mock Trial look good on college applications?

Hello! I’m an incoming freshman and I was wondering if mock trial looks good for college applications. I’ve been doing mock trials for 4 years now and I’m debating on continuing it and joining my high school team. The thing is that I want a career in the med field and I was wondering if mock...

Maria’s Avatar
Maria May 08 573 views

Wy do i have to go to college?

How much money do I have to save before college?

Maria’s Avatar
Maria May 08 486 views

What amount of money do i have to save for private college?

Who am I supposed to contact before going to join college

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