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Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Feb 19, 2024 1293 views

What are the best online resources for aspiring VFX artists who are on a budget, to learn the fundamentals and go from complete beginner to "job-ready"?

I already have a bachelor's degree in studio art so I am not looking to get into another degree offering program. I am just looking for affordable/free resources to learn the skills/software I need to learn so that I can get a job as a VFX apprentice for some games developer.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Feb 15, 2024 1004 views

How do I choose my major if I'm passionate about two different things?

I'm really passionate about film and education, but am struggling on which to major in. I enjoy the education class I'm currently in more than the film theory class I took last semester and feel that it's the reason why I feel conflicted on my prospective major, but I also want to become a...

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 29, 2024 1121 views

Help! I’m stuck between Med-School and Law, what do I go for?

I’m a freshman in high school, my GPA is 3.96 and straight A’s. I’m in a Medical Careers club and a Mock Trial club at my high school. This weekend I was in a Mock Trial as the defendant’s attorney in criminal proceedings(aggravated assault and battery charges for juvenile male, 17 tried as an...

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 24, 2024 981 views

Any strategies for studying Maths?

I’m just not good at maths, any ideas?

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 22, 2024 612 views

My math midterms marks were terrible(D+ or C-), I’m in my freshman year of high school, how much will it bring down my GPA?

It accounts for 4% of the total semester grade.

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 19, 2024 2210 views

What are extracurricular activities, how would that factor into my college application?

I’m lost on what extracurricular activities are, but I’ve done some research and it talks about volunteering? My aspiration is med school, and I want a great profile for the top universities for my biochemistry undergrad. I have also enrolled in multiple competitions for research and projects...

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 19, 2024 1229 views

I have a low GPA as a freshman, how would that affect my application to colleges?

I’ve newly joined a high school freshman year, straight after moving internationally. But while adjusting, I realized my GPA is terrible for what my aspirations are. It’s a 3.76 unweighted and I’m nervous it’ll affect my application to college in the long run. Any idea how I can help it?

Babia’s Avatar
Babia Jan 14, 2024 600 views

How do I know if the career I am doing is what I like?

I am majoring in Medical Biology and planning to apply for med school. What certain criteria do you need to get into med school?

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