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Millbrae, California

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Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica May 06 498 views

where would you recommend for a first job ?

Would you recommend a hospital or a clinic for a first job after you get your trade certifications

Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica May 06 375 views

what are some skills I need to learn in medical office admin ?

I want to gain more knowledge and skills in this trade

Faith’s Avatar
Faith May 05 293 views

What road map do I need, and what and what do I need to learn to be a professional cyber security?

I'm currently studying a course (Chemistry), but I want to transition into Cyber security.
What road map do I need, and what and what do I need to learn to be a professional cyber security

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours May 03 726 views

How to become a Scrum Master?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Scrum Master?

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours May 03 461 views

How to become a Real Estate Developer?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a Real Estate Developer!

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie May 02 342 views

What do employeers look for when recruiting for a forensics intern, etc.?


I'm currently an undergrad student pursuing a computer engineering major and a forensic studies minor.

What do companies look for in terms of soft and hard skill? What classes would you recommend taking? What's a skill that's a must have in the field?

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah May 02 330 views

How Do I Start A Clothing Brand ?

How do I start a buisness selling clothes with just me ?

Christina’s Avatar
Christina May 01 485 views

How do you know if you picked the right career for yourself?

Question Career Decision

Karleen’s Avatar
Karleen Apr 30 210 views

What classes should I check out?

Hello, I am 16 and I hope to set up my own art business at some point in my life, however I'm unsue on what classes would be good for me to take to help accomplish my goal. I'm thinking about taking some sort of business class and fine arts, however those two are the only classes I have in mind...

Malia’s Avatar
Malia Apr 29 246 views

How much schooling does it take to get your DVM license and become a vet. Also, is it more practical to join a veterinary practice when coming out of school or starting your own #Spring24?

Hi, I am a junior is high school and I am looking to becoming a veterinarian. Currently, I am considering the length of education it will take, and the cost of education and if that is feasible for me. Along with the second part of the question, would you be able to give an estimate on the cost...

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Apr 27 325 views

What internships or work experience available would help someone in a criminology major?

shadowing, companies, etc

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Apr 27 347 views

What state offers the best opportunities for someone wanting to be an FBI agent?

Would Los Angeles be a good choice?

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Apr 27 229 views

What are some classes that be beneficial for a criminology major?

I'm someone who wants to be an FBI agent as my intended career

Bernie’s Avatar
Bernie Apr 25 1021 views

Business path and your story in it?

Hey! I am a first-student at UC Davis looking forward to interning in areas within the business field. Any tips on finding websites for internships? Also if you're in the business field, I would love to hear more about your story and how you got to where you are now. ie what internships and...

Monica’s Avatar
Monica Apr 25 588 views

Which is the best real estate course to take?

I would prefer suggestions of online courses. I plan to start this course while I'm in college.

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