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Rebekah’s Avatar
Rebekah Feb 24, 2021 1191 views

what do collages look at when looking at your application

I do theater and I do band an choir I take art classes. #theater #art I play trombone #acting

Rebekah’s Avatar
Rebekah Feb 17, 2021 717 views

What exactly do collages look at when they let you in?

So, I do plays #acting I play an instrument in band #musician. I started to write down the plays I've been in. I also like art and I take Spanish as a second language.

Aleksandra’s Avatar
Aleksandra Nov 10, 2020 1570 views

What careers require an MPH?

I am considering pursuing an MPH in the future, but I don't know anyone who uses it in their career. What makes an MPH degree unique?
#mph #publichealth #public-health #health #healthcare #stem #GivingisCaring

Christie’s Avatar
Christie Nov 09, 2020 692 views

I really have no clue what I should do for my career. Any suggestions?

I love to read and I love to write. I would love to be a writer but I think my best shot at getting close to that would to become an editor. I am a division 1 college gymnast and I want to try to become a stunt performer for film but these career choices are not very reliable at all....

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Oct 20, 2020 479 views

I would like to work with juveniles ! Where is a good place to look for jobs in the juvenile justice system?

I’m majoring in forensic psychology and my main interest is how the juvenile justice system works and it’s jobs with in. I’m really interested in detention centers and juvenile offender council #anyone

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Sep 16, 2020 1227 views

What can you do with a computer science degree?

I am a civil engineering student. I choose civil engineering because I really like math and liked the thought of building big stuff. The classes are getting harder and I'm stressed more often. The science classes are so difficult for me. I do so much better in my math courses and the...

Janelle’s Avatar
Janelle Sep 02, 2020 1146 views

how do I get started with choosing a career?

#psychology I'm starting my senior year in high school this fall, but I'm not sure what I should do. I have a huge interest in psychology and I want to major in psych, but my father says that it's pretty hard to finds jobs with a psychology degree. I just need some guidance on what steps I...

Aleksandra’s Avatar
Aleksandra Jul 29, 2020 1428 views

Applying to Med School as a Low Income Student?

I know that the general advice for premed students is to keep undergraduate debt low, since the cost of applying can be thousands to begin with. I don't have concerns about having undergrad debt because of my school's generous financial aid (I get school grants, Pell Grants, work study, etc.)....

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