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North Andover, Massachusetts

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Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Jan 16, 2018 992 views

What would be a good major to combine with Safety and Occupational Health security to make more money when you graduate?

I’ve been considering this major but I feel
If I only do this one alone I will have too much free time... please give me your advise
#occupational-health #safety #college-major #college

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Jan 16, 2018 639 views

Is English Literature a difficult field to start out in considering how popular it is to teach?

I am working on an English literature degree but I wonder if I will be limiting my career options. #teachenglish

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Jan 16, 2018 1044 views

what specific roadblocks do I nerd to navigate around when starting anew at age 50?

Going back to school to complete my education degree. #educationcareer

Amberlynn’s Avatar
Amberlynn Jan 16, 2018 999 views

On average, how expensive is pursuing a PhD?

I am really interested in pursuing higher education and excited for the possibility of completing such a high level of study. My concern is that it most likely will not be an affordable course of action; which might barre me from pursuing education at that level. Is there any way to make that...

Amberlynn’s Avatar
Amberlynn Jan 16, 2018 745 views

How is the field of Neuroscience expected to change in the near future?

I am extremely interested in pursuing a degree in Neuroscience because of how vast the field is and the fact that the field encompasses biology and psychology. I don't really know what to expect from pursuing this field of study, and I was hoping someone could help me see how this field is...

Lejla’s Avatar
Lejla Jan 16, 2018 2749 views

Are degrees earned in America accepted in other countries?

Specifically, I’m going to earn a bachelors in #biology, and I️ was just wondering if there’s a listen if countries it’s accepted or not accepted? #college #international #working-abroad

Lejla’s Avatar
Lejla Jan 16, 2018 1213 views

Is getting a dual degree worth it?

It’s basically the cost of two tuitions at my school, so is it worth it? If not, then what’s the point of just #double-major #college-major #academic-advising

Andres’s Avatar
Andres Jan 16, 2018 1756 views

What is credit and how do I build good credit?

Going into college you are confronted with lots of ways to pay for tuition, including loans. Typically, everyone is charged around the same interest for their loans because there tends to be little to no credit history among young individuals . I know that this may not be the case for any...

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