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Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Jan 23, 2018 671 views

how does the class work in college differ from high school?

They always say college is very different from high school and that the work is more difficult. I'd like to know how the work is different and what you can do to succeed in the classroom. #classswork #college

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Jan 23, 2018 828 views

What is the best way to balance a social life in college with school work?

I know it might be difficult to balance trying to have a social life with school work so I'd like some insight on how some people in college do it. I'd like to do both so I want some helpful tips. #college #time-management

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie Jan 23, 2018 1053 views

What kind do employers look for in students that are fresh out of college?

Next fall I am going to college and I want to know what types of activities or goals that I should pursue to make my self a better candidate when I graduate and start looking for a job in my field. I know that I should obviously do well academically and get some work experience, but I want to...

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie Jan 23, 2018 786 views

Is all the debt that I will take on going to college worth it?

I know that my education is going to be very costly and that over the four years it will take to get my degree I will become massively in debt. I plan on becoming a biomedical engineer, so I know I(eventually) will be making pretty good money, but I'm worried that all my efforts after I...

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Jan 22, 2018 1645 views

Where is the best place to buy college textbooks?

I know amazon prime is a good online access to everything to buy. Should I buy it in person to make sure it is in good condition? I have also heard about websites that sell used textbooks? Is that trustworthy? Is buying a used textbook worth it?
#college #textbooks #online #confused

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Jan 22, 2018 1638 views

What are the best classes to take as an Animal Science major trying to become a vet?

I have been accepted as an Animal Science major in college. I plan to apply to a veterinary school in 4 years. What are the best classes that would prepare me for this path?
#animalscience #animalsciencemajor #college #collegeclasses #veterinary

Mel’s Avatar
Mel Jan 22, 2018 783 views

What is the best way to get scholarships?

I have asked my school and been online to scholarship websites, but I just can't seem to find any good scholarships. Is there a website to help me out or another way to earn money for college? #nomoney #scholarships #help Is there a way to find scholarships for a major or a place I live?

Mel’s Avatar
Mel Jan 22, 2018 905 views

Is it beneficial to buy used textbooks?

I have heard a lot from others that textbooks are expensive in college. I know a girl who paid full price and as a student with little money, I would like to know if it is worth it to buy ones for cheaper even if they are used or in poor condition? Also, I have heard of websites that sell books...

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