Valley Stream, New York

How can I find a part-time job, while in high-school?
How can I find a part-time job, while in high-school, as a rising senior.

How do you determine what to do in the future?
I'm currently a sophomore in high school

What is something that can help me figure out the career path I would want?
I really enjoy things that i can focus and get into the zone in and i just need to figure out what those things are

What are medical programs I can do as a 9th grader?
I’m a freshman and currently attend Manhattan Hunter Science High School. I’ve always been interested in having a career in the medical field but I don’t specifically which one I want to do.

How can I somehow mix my passion for music with a career that is financially sound #Spring24?
I just began learning music theory and instruments and i may want to pursue a career in this maybe teaching #Spring24

How can I begin a creer goal in the emerging technology sector of artificial intelligence #Spring24 ?
I hear so much about AI and I feel it will be a rewarding career choice #Spring24.
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