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Charles’s Avatar
Charles Jan 21, 2018 941 views

How do I decide what avenue of computer science I want to pursue?

I am a high school senior planning on majoring in computer science in college. However, there are an overwhelming amount of different computer science paths to take. If I am unsure about my computer science path will there be enough time in college for me to switch between computer science...

Charles’s Avatar
Charles Jan 21, 2018 963 views

What are some tips to navigating a computer science career?

I am high school senior and I plan on pursuing a degree in computer science. I hope to find a job as a computer programmer after college. What are some tips and things I should try to do in order to increase my chances of getting a job after graduating? #computer-science

James’s Avatar
James Jan 20, 2018 740 views

If you fail to get into medical school, what is an alternative that you can turn to.

I have heard that medical school is a extremely rigorous on top of being difficult to get into in the first place. #medicine

James’s Avatar
James Jan 20, 2018 914 views

Do UC schools have a lot of impacted classes?

I have heard it is difficult to get the classes you need/want in the UC because of crowding. #college

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Jan 18, 2018 942 views

Where should I look for scholarships?

I've been looking since last year to hopefully prepare for when I go off to college.
But, every website that I've been on have really been a hit and miss and almost nothing is for me. #helpme #needfunds #collegeisexpensive #college #financial-aid #scholarships

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Jan 18, 2018 1183 views

Why is it that we have to complete all four years of high school?

I already have more than enough credits and I've taken all the necessary classes to graduate. So why?
#done #ijustwannagotocollege #high-school #graduation #courses

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 18, 2018 667 views

How to balance college, a social life and part time job?

I recently finished my first semester at Cal State Fullerton and found it difficult to manage new rigorous courses and still manage to stay active in our school's RSA meetings(it is like student government and I type up what happens at all our meetings). Recently, I have (luckily) acquired a...

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 18, 2018 1633 views

What are some techniques to become a better studier?

I recently finished my first semester at Cal State Fullerton and I strive to do better this upcoming spring semester, but I need new ways to study. My old ways didn't get me as far as they did in high school. I am open to about anything. Thanks!

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