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Wixom, Michigan

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Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 06, 2016 747 views

How can I learn about durable eco-friendly materials for building architectural structures in the future.

I am very concerned with the preservation of our world and also providing shelter to all those who may be without, so I would like to find a way to help others and help the planet at the same time. I look to use eco-friendly materials for my architectural projects, but I don't know where I can...

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 06, 2016 1059 views

If you are an architecture student who is interested in starting a local practice, how would you go about establishing things after college graduation?

I am an architecture student who seeks to start my own practice in the city of Detroit eventually after I graduate from the University of Michigan school of architecture and urban planning. Starting my own practice, refurbishing old buildings and providing eco friendly shelter for the homeless...

Kay’s Avatar
Kay May 05, 2016 1365 views

What are the best jobs to have while in high school?

I want my resume to be impressive, even when i'm young. What are the best jobs to have on your resume going into college? Which jobs will give me the most valuable experiences? #career #human-resources #career-development

Kay’s Avatar
Kay May 05, 2016 1116 views

What conferences or events are good for me to attend if I want a career in STEM?

I want a career in STEM (not sure what yet, exactly) and I heard a good thing for me to do is attend conferences and events related to STEM education /careers to learn more about my options and to meet new people. I live in Michigan, and couldn't find many events for high school students in the...

Greg’s Avatar
Greg May 02, 2016 2448 views

What are my job options if I want to work in tech but don't want to be an engineer?

I'm in high school, struggling to figure out what to do with my life. I love technology like anyone else my age but I'm just not sure that I want to be an engineer. Do I have other options? #technology

Everette’s Avatar
Everette Mar 17, 2016 1712 views

How long do I have to go to school to become a financial planner?

I'm debating majoring in finance when I go to college, but I don't know if I can become a financial planner straight out of college. I want to get my MBA, but I want to work as a finanical planner for a few years between undergraduate and graduate school. #finance #financial-services...

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Mar 16, 2016 3536 views

Do you travel a lot working in investment management? For what, exactly?

I love to travel so I'm hoping this career path would allow me to do that often. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #travel #investing

Brent’s Avatar
Brent Mar 16, 2016 1397 views

What was the best piece of advice anyone gave you about getting into finance?

I would really love to hear what your most valuable piece of advice was that helped you get to where you are now and who gave it to you. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Marcus’s Avatar
Marcus Mar 15, 2016 1994 views

What skillsets should someone inerested in a career in finance have?

I'm thinking about a career in finance because i'm really good at math, but i'm wondering what additional skills I should have to really be successful in that industry? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Demarie’s Avatar
Demarie Mar 15, 2016 1263 views

What kind of training and certification is necessary to become an investment manager?

I'll be going to college soon so I need to learn more about how I need to prepare for a career in investment management. Can you tell me what kind of training and/or certification is involved? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Patrick’s Avatar
Patrick Mar 15, 2016 1308 views

What does asset management mean and how does it differ from investment management?

Are all investments considered to be assets? Is there a difference. I want to know how to start thinking about money and investments. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Mar 15, 2016 2408 views

How does PIMCO's university recruiting work?

I know a lof of companies recruit for entry level roles right out of college but I don't know any of the specifics. How often do you recruit college students and from what schools do you recruit from? #college #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing #recruiting...

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Mar 15, 2016 1274 views

How did you decide which part of investing you would get into?

I heard that there are all different types of investing including stocks, bonds, and other things (actually I’m not exactly sure what). Could you please tell me what part of investing you do personally, and how you picked that type of investing? If you have moved from one type of investing into...

Justine’s Avatar
Justine Mar 14, 2016 1197 views

Without getting too specific, how has working in invesment management helped you with your personal finances and investment portfolio?

Do you, as an investment manager, feel more confident in investing your personal money? I want to be financially literate for my personal finances and confident in my own investments one...

Shannon’s Avatar
Shannon Mar 14, 2016 1208 views

Can you tell what it's like to be an investment manager on a day to day basis?

What does an average day in the life look like for you? Are you in meetings all day long or working on your own most of the time? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

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