Wyckoff, New Jersey

When pursuing a career in Journalism or Communications, is it necessary to get a Master Degree?
Many careers require many years of education. I was just wondering if having a Master Degree benefits you significantly in Journalism like in other fields or is graduate school for Journalism just a financial burden? #communications #entertainment #broadcast-journalism #magazines

Would it be better for me to major in Journalism or Mass Communications?
I am asking this question because ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to be a magazine editor; however, lately i have been thinking about pursuing a career in broadcast journalism. Also many people who do end up majoring in Journalism have difficulties finding a job, so would...

How can I balance work life, school life, and extracurricular clubs?
I want to do everything, yet it seems like there is not enough time to do all things at once. How can I be in clubs while working part time and also going to school ? #college #school

What's the most successful way to become popular in the music industry?
Keeping in touch with celebrities in the entertainment industry is one of my favorite pass times. My reason for answering this question is because it seems as though many new artists have their two years or so of fame but it suddenly starts to die out and they lose thousands of fans. I would...

What is the most important thing when choosing a right major/minor?
It is hard to understand which major is the right one that is suitable for me when there are so many different types of fields out there. How can I choose the best ones for my passions and interests? #college #major #college-minor

How can I keep healthy if I work full time/ go to school?
It seems to be pretty hard to do that when there are odd break hours, many people. How do you maintain weight and eat healthy also #health #school #fitness

How do you decide which major to take up in college?
Right now, I'm a junior in high school and of course thinking about colleges, where to apply, and how to stand from my competiton. But my main concern is what I should major in. There are so many courses that sound super interesting to me like anthropology, Spanish, business, etc., but it's so...

As a student in highschool, many doors (internships) seems shut. What are you r recommendations for a highschool student who wants to get an internship at a consulting firm?
More so for next summer, I would like to intern at a consulting firm so that I might learn about what it takes (experience and education wise) to come back and get a job post-degree. #business #higher-education #consulting #management-consulting
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