Career questions tagged fitness

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Colin250 views

why is learning healthy?

why is learning healthy?

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CareerVillage Office Hours442 views

How to become a fitness instructor?

Share your journey & guide aspiring fitness instructors on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Mind538 views

What are the factors I could do to keep myself healthy ?

Help me out guys I need

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CareerVillage Office Hours512 views

How to become a Fitness Trainer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Fitness Trainers on their path. Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Pearl813 views

What's the one simple habit that enhances all aspects of life?

I mean how does adopting that one habit positively impact mental, physical, and financial well-being?

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Melanie1233 views

How i can be a cricketer ?

I want to be a cricketer

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Hope4036 views

What are jobs that require a lot of movement?

I do not want to have a job that makes me sit behind a computer at a desk all day.

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Emma789 views

Is a Fitness Coordinator basically a Physical Therapy equivalent without a Doctorate Degree?

I have been sold on Physical Therapy for a while now, but recently I have begun struggling with the idea of going to Medical School and all of the debt and excessive studying that entails. I took a career quiz and it recommended Fitness Coordinator rather than Physical Therapy. I love studying the human anatomy, working out, and helping others learn about their body, how it functions, and how to strengthen and enhance their performance. Would a Fitness Coordinator be the same thing as Physical Therapy, just without going to Medical School and getting a Doctorate? Also, what is the job satisfaction like for a Fitness Coordinator? What about the hours? work load? salary? work environment?

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Anita776 views

Is there enough time in college to do extracurricular and sports if I plan on taking pre-med classes.

Trying to get my priorities straight. :)

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Dahlia1314 views

What areas do you have to be educated in to be a successful personal trainer?

I am a senior at Grundy Center, I enjoy being active and working out. I have a big passion for these things and think a career in personal training would be suiting. #gym #fitness #personaltraining #training

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Rashad1278 views

what is the best part of being a trainer

# #physical-trainer #fitness #trainer

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Rashad1161 views

what is the best part of being a trainer

#fitness #trainer

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Derven595 views

Where can I find a school that provides a Cross country team?

I run a lot at home and run for multiple teams. #running #Fitness #XC

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Felicia917 views

What are three important things I should know about being a Fitness and Wellness Coordinator (e.g. working conditions, typical schedule, rewards, and challenges including those for people new to the job)?

#fitness #wellness #healthcare #fitnesscoordinator #career #medicine #Dietitian #Nutritionist

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Jacqueline603 views

How can i improve as an Fitness and Wellness coordinator ?

#Fitness and Wellness coordianator

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shatir840 views

do you travel alot being an athletic trainer

#fitness #athletic-training

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