How do I figure out a career and major?
I am a sophomore in high school, and I don’t have any idea what to do with my life. I feel like I have very bad extra circulars, but I don’t know what to do, especially since I have no idea what I want to do or major in. I don’t have any particular passion, however I would like to know ways to expose myself to different careers while also getting some good ECs through things like job shadowing or internships, but I don’t know how to do those or where I would start. If there are any suggestions on things I can do to help it would be very much appreciated.
I do very well in school, being in multiple honors and APs and getting A’s in them. I’ve played softball both freshmen and sophomore year, but I am wanting to quit next year. I’ve been doing some research and found that if I do quit, I should replace it with important extracurriculars that go towards my major, but if I don’t know what my major is going to be, it still advised to do so? I would also like to add that I am not wanting to play softball in college. I think that my extracurriculars will be all over the place, which I know is not recommended, but I feel like that’s the only way to find something. I’m interested in.
Do you have any advice on what to do to help with my career, and also just do well on college application? I know I want to go to college, preferably a university.
11 answers
Dr’s Answer
So here’s the deal: it’s totally normal to have no clue what you want to do. Most people don’t at your age, and honestly, plenty of adults are still figuring it out. The best thing you can do right now is explore without stressing about picking a path too soon.
If you quit softball, replacing it with solid extracurriculars is a good idea—not because colleges expect you to know your major yet, but because they want to see that you’re engaged, developing skills, and putting your time into things that matter to you. It’s totally fine if your extracurriculars seem “all over the place” right now. Trying different things is exactly how you figure out what you like.
Job shadowing and internships are solid ways to test the waters. Start by reaching out to family friends, teachers, or even local businesses. Just shoot them an email or stop by and ask if they’d be open to letting you shadow someone for a day. Your school counselor might have connections too. If that feels intimidating, start with online programs—some organizations offer virtual job shadowing or intro-level internships.
If you’re looking for extracurriculars, try a mix of things that develop different skills. Academic clubs, volunteering, tutoring, debate, student government, writing for the school newspaper—these all build leadership, communication, and critical thinking, which are valuable no matter what career you choose. If something sounds even remotely interesting, give it a shot. Worst case? You hate it and move on. Best case? You find something that sticks.
Also, don’t overthink the college admissions part. Yes, having a strong extracurricular list helps, but grades are a huge factor, especially for UC and CSU schools. Keep up the solid work in your AP and honors classes, and you’ll already be in a great spot. If you end up applying to private schools, they’ll care more about essays and activities, so having a few meaningful ones will help—but that doesn’t mean you need a perfectly planned-out “theme” to your life right now.
If you’re planning to go straight to university after high school (which is totally doable), then the game plan is all about keeping your grades strong, stacking up meaningful extracurriculars, and making sure you’re checking off everything for college apps. Now, Since you’re already crushing it in AP and honors classes, you’re on track academically. 😎 Keep that up, and make sure you’re prepping for the SAT/ACT if you’re aiming for schools that require or recommend them. Just check with them ofcourse! Even though UCs and CSUs don’t use test scores, some private and out-of-state schools do, and having solid scores can only help.
For universities extracurriculars matter, but don’t think you need to do everything. It’s better to go deep in a few things than to spread yourself too thin, remember.
Short experiences can give you a taste of different careers, oh and help you write a strong “why this major” essay later. If you’re unsure what to try, look for summer programs—many universities offer pre-college programs where you can test out subjects like business, STEM, law, or journalism.
The big thing? Keep options open. Apply broadly—some UCs, some CSUs, some privates, and maybe even some out-of-state schools. Make sure you have a mix of reach, match, and safety schools, so you’ve got choices when decision time comes. And if you’re not sure where to apply yet, start by thinking about campus size, location, and vibe—do you want big football games and school spirit or a smaller, more personal setting?🤔
You’re already ahead of the curve just by thinking about this now. Just keep moving forward, and you’ll land exactly where you’re meant to be.
The goal here is to expose yourself to different fields, not lock yourself into one. Try stuff. Talk to people. Stay curious. And remember, this whole figuring-out-your-future thing? It’s a process. You don’t have to have all the answers yet—you just need to start asking the right QUESTIONS, like you are doing already, that's a head start Madison. Now all the best and good luck buddy, you totally got this! 🤗
Dr recommends the following next steps:
Clare’s Answer
It’s completely normal to not have everything figured out yet! High school is the time to explore different interests and start discovering what excites you.
A great way to start is by talking to family, friends, teachers, or mentors about their careers. Ask them what their job is like day-to-day, and if something interests you, see if you can shadow them for a day. Hearing about a career is one thing, but experiencing it firsthand will give you a much better idea of whether it’s something you’d enjoy.
Another way to explore career options is through school clubs and extracurricular activities. If your school has clubs related to a field of interest—such as a business club, robotics team, or debate club—join and see if it sparks a passion. Even if an activity doesn’t seem directly related to a future career, it can still teach valuable skills and help you discover what you enjoy.
When it comes to extracurriculars, pursue what you love—whether or not you plan to turn it into a career. If you enjoy softball, keep doing it simply because it brings you joy. Even if you don't plan on pursuing it in college, it's still important to spend time on activities you enjoy.
Most importantly, remember that it’s okay to change your mind. Your interests and goals will evolve over time, and that’s completely normal. Stay open and curious to a variety of career paths and it will come naturally.
You don’t have to have it all figured out right now— enjoy the journey! Best of luck!
Rosalind’s Answer
Good grades are important for getting into college, so prioritize your studies. Extra activities are great too, but focus on doing well in school first. Tutoring can be a wonderful way to help others while also improving your own skills. It might even help you find out if you truly enjoy a particular subject.
Getting involved in activities like FIRST Robotics can be very rewarding. You'll learn how to work well in a team, improve your communication skills, and get hands-on experience with STEM projects. Being part of a team also lets you engage with the community and industry, giving you a taste of different skills and activities. This can help you discover what you truly enjoy.
When thinking about a future career, choose something you love. You'll be doing it for a long time, so enjoying it will make you happier and more productive. Remember, it's okay for your interests to change over time, and many people switch careers. Starting with something you enjoy is a great first step.
Also, try to understand technology, as it will be a part of any career you choose. Knowing the basics will benefit you no matter where you end up.
I didn't figure out my career path until I was a sophomore in college. I used the early years to explore and find what I was passionate about, and it worked out well for me. My advice is to enjoy every learning opportunity you have. Take your time to learn, discover, and experiment. There's no need to rush into any decisions—give yourself the chance to explore.
Job’s Answer
I would not be concerned about what you're extracurricular activities are for, it is the fact that you are participating in them that counts.
As to determining your future career I would try to intern at different companies and volunteer in different fields. I would approach either HR departments or someone you, your family, or family friends for introductions to people that can get you in or give you a strong referral. I would also write letters outlining your desire to do an internship or volunteer and why you want to go to that company. You need to show them you are interested in their field even if you are not sure.
I would postpone entering college until you have come up with a few potential careers since college is expensive and you will need to concentrate on a few majors to get the degree.
Colleges will look at internships and volunteering as a benefit since you are getting real world experience. I would explain that in your application letter.
Finally you can train for one career and end up doing something completely different over your life time. I have a BS in economics and international affairs, an MBA in finance and a law degree. I practiced law for 15 years until I formed different companies. A heavy equipment company where we built subdivisions, roads, bridges and much more. I then opened a rock and sand mine. Then build subdivisions and homes. Then started 2 real estate companies. You have no idea of where you may end up.
This is an important decision and you need to enjoy what you do for a career. If you enjoy what you are doing you will do well in it.
Good luck.
Jerry’s Answer
First, prior respondents have written fine answers here for you to review and I hope to not offer repetitive advice.
Your confusion resonated with me because as a high school senior I felt as uncertain about my future as you are as a sophomore. Here's what happened to me. I was one of the leads in our senior play, which was being directed by Denny Barrett who led the school's speech team. I was not on the speech team but Mr. Barrett heard me speak and suggested I participate THE NEXT DAY in the radio announcing component of a district-wide speech tournament. I did; placed second and went on to gain 5th place in the state. From this experience I studied speech-related course work in college and began working in radio following graduation as a news caster. The point here is I had no idea what to do with my life until the time Mr. Barrett heard me read my lines in the play.
Truly, you are experiencing what I and about 50 million others on planet Earth also have gone through at your age in their lives. And your "search" may last decades, if I offer my own path as an example. After 5 years of news broadcasting I left Youngstown, Ohio, and moved to California at age 27. I grew up affected by the generational changes of the sixties. All my buddies were leaving Youngstown and I didn't want to be left behind in Youngstown so I quit my job - and my career - by moving to Los Angeles to be with my pals. One cannot expect to be hired by a major market radio station when one has only worked in a minor market. So, at 27, in Los Angeles, I found myself just as you are now in high school. For the second time in my life I was asking myself. What can I do to make a living for myself. I was receiving unemployment at the time because my radio station volunteered to say my departure was a layoff rather than a voluntary quit, which would have disqualified me from unemployment.
Then began multiple years of career confusion. I went to work for the unemployment department under a government program and worked my way up to being an adjudicator. I then left to become a communications analyst for the local auto club. Then I moved to northern California where I got a job as a PR person for a high-tech start-up. That firm went belly up and here I was in the Bay Area wondering what was next. I was now 33. A friend from Youngstown was a general manager at a roofing company; he hired me as a contractor, so now I was a roofer. I remember standing on a roof looking out at the Bay and asking myself What Am I? A news reporter, an unemployment adjudicator, a comm analyst, a PR guy? I thought about joining the military to try and find myself. Instead I labored through myriad other jobs and, in a miraculous intervention (much like the Denny Barrett situation) I met a man through church who was forming a PR and advertising agency. He took a chance on me in 1983 and I worked for him until 1990. He closed the agency then and I went to work in a PR capacity for an agency client. I did that for a few months and then that client lost a major product line where I was doing most of my PR writing and they had to lay me off. But the owner asked if I might like to sell some of the data communication products about which I'd been publicizing. Bingo. Over night, with no prior experience, I became a sales rep.
I did that for several years. I then quit. When I was 43, a new potential employer in the recruiting industry looked at my resume and said my career progression didn't make sense to him because it appeared I had worked multiple, and seemingly unrelated, jobs. In truth, he was right. Truly, only I could link together why the shifts in employment had been made. Bottom line, he hired me in 2003 and I worked for him as an employee and then a contractor for 15 years.
So how does this long-winded summary of my career relate to you? Well, it's only to emphasize that we may not be able to plan our futures in an ever-changing world and how to decide at your young age what you want to do. Life does not always proceed according to plan. This, however, I can state.
We're living in rapidly changing times. Our weather, technology and our ability to work globally are in flux and evolving. E.g., who knows where artificial intelligence is headed and how will it affect your future work opportunities? One thing will remain consistent and valuable. Your ability to communicate effectively. And what can assist you in communicating more easily and therefore become even more employable? Language. Make an effort to learn to speak, write and read a second language. Or two. Your worth will increase dramatically. Get a college degree or higher in courses to which your interests gravitate. Determine how well you perform activities about which you are passionate. Because if you are not good to great at something, why should someone hire you to perform that function?
Conduct this Google search: what professions will be in demand in ten years
Then substitute another/related job title or profession to see if that provides a different or expanded list. The results, because of our changing world, may or may not be entirely on target but you'll get an idea. AND you may find out that a certain country may be where that opportunity is most likely to be...hence, my advice about learning multiple languages.
Be sure to go to LinkedIn and search by job title for individuals who now or previously held the job title in which you’re currently interested. Their profiles should contain valuable information about their duties, work history, career progression, associations/organizations of value to research and more.
Good fortune to you.
Annah’s Answer
Michelle’s Answer
You really have nothing to worry about. There are no extracurriculars that are less than others and ones that are better - they all count. Sports are a great activity and if you are thinking of stopping sports for next year that is perfectly fine. It's great to start exploring new activities.
For 11th and 12th grade, consider your good grades that you have been receiving. Why not run for a class office next year, like class president or treasurer. How about the debate team, theatre plays that your school does (Theatre Club), or any subject that you do well in. There's also tutoring. Remember that any involvement you have outside of school counts as experience, too. I suggest these activities because since you haven't chosen a major (which is fine) you can sharpen your communication and presentation skills and that would be valuable for any career. You can even write for the school newspaper/online website, too. Make a portfolio of all the articles you write. It's fine to have a variety of extracurriculars.
You will be happy to know that if you're applying to a California State University or a University of California system college, extracurricular activities aren't as important as are good grades. They will mostly focus on your high school GPA. Hopefully that is a sigh of relief for you. Don't get me wrong, they consider extracurriculars and it would also be good for you to start a resume, too, but keeping up your good grades will be very important. Currently, the California State University system evaluates mostly on good grades and doesn't require an essay either. Please verify this with the college you plan to attend and then again when you're about to apply to college.
The University of California no longer requires SAT scores for admission. The California State University colleges are SAT optional and it is not mandatory to have the SAT scores for admission. My advice is take the SAT exam in 11th grade because this may change. Even right now, as it stands, if you go to a private college like Pepperdine or Loyola Marymount you don't need to take the SAT exam. I am from old school, so I advise to take the SAT exam anyway, just in case things change.
I hope this helps and I wish you all the best. I went to California State University, Sacramento so California colleges will always be in my heart !
Rebecca’s Answer
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about what you have interest,etc your hobbies, favourite subjects, etc and identify the related careers
Eg if you like music, would you like to be a musician, singer, musical artist, music composer, music producer, etc
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4.. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
Patrick’s Answer
One great way to explore different careers is by seeking out job shadowing or internships. These hands-on experiences can provide valuable insights into a wide range of professions and industries. Websites like, LinkedIn, or Indeed offer search tools to find internship opportunities. You can also reach out directly to local businesses or professionals in fields you might be curious about—many are open to mentoring or allowing you to shadow them for a day or a few hours. Additionally, check with your school counselor, as they may have local connections or programs that facilitate internships or job shadowing for students.
Madison, if you’re unsure what to major in, don’t stress about having to commit to a specific path yet. Instead, focus on building a broad set of extracurricular activities that reflect your curiosity, work ethic, and academic strengths. Even if you don’t know what your major will be, participating in activities like volunteering, joining academic clubs (like science, literature, or debate clubs), or taking leadership roles can show colleges that you’re actively seeking out growth and learning. Remember, colleges appreciate students who are thoughtful and intentional in their extracurricular involvement, but they also value a diverse set of interests. If you have any hobbies or skills you’re passionate about—whether that’s photography, coding, writing, or community service—consider exploring those through clubs or side projects.
In terms of sports, if you choose to quit softball, that’s entirely your choice. The most important thing is to fill that time with meaningful extracurriculars that help you grow and develop new skills. These don’t always need to be directly related to your potential major. Colleges understand that students might explore a variety of interests before settling on a career direction. Just make sure to engage in activities that demonstrate initiative and personal growth. It’s about quality, not necessarily quantity. Consider opportunities like volunteering with local organizations, taking part in leadership programs, or pursuing a part-time job or internship in a field that piques your interest.
For your college applications, the most impactful approach is to demonstrate commitment to your personal growth, be reflective about your experiences, and show how your chosen activities reflect your academic interests or future aspirations. Since you're excelling in honors and AP courses, continue to prioritize your academic success—maintaining those high grades is important. However, remember that your application will also reflect your interests outside of academics, so be intentional about your extracurricular choices.
Finally, Madison, it is important to keep exploring and be patient with yourself. Career discovery is a process, and there’s no need to rush it. Use tools like CareerOneStop (sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor) or to explore different career fields and understand the skills and education required. Consider speaking with a school counselor or career coach to gain personalized advice. Keep an open mind and continue to explore your interests—through internships, volunteering, extracurriculars, and even talking to professionals about their careers. Most importantly, trust that with time, clarity will come. The experiences you gather now will guide you toward making more informed decisions in the future.
Ching-Hung’s Answer
Happy you like Biology, too.
There is only one occupation came to my mind and I don't think you need me to explain.
And it is Forensic Science!
Chinyere’s Answer
Let me start by saying—you’re not alone in feeling this way. A lot of high school students, even some in college, still don’t know what they want to do. And that’s okay. You have plenty of time to explore, and the fact that you’re already thinking about it puts you ahead of the game.
Since you’re doing really well academically with honors and APs, that’s already a strong foundation for college. Now, about extracurriculars—yes, colleges like to see depth and commitment, but they also understand that high school is a time for exploration. It’s completely fine if your extracurriculars seem a little “all over the place” right now. The goal is to use them to figure out what excites you. If you’re quitting softball, you don’t have to replace it with something major-related right away. You could try different things that interest you, even if they seem unrelated.
To expose yourself to different careers while also strengthening your college application, you can start with job shadowing and internships. Ask teachers, school counselors, or family friends if they know anyone in fields you might be curious about. Even just spending a day shadowing someone can give you insight. Some hospitals, law firms, or tech companies have high school programs, so check their websites. If you can’t find formal internships, reach out to local businesses and ask if you can volunteer or observe for a few days.
Joining clubs or volunteering can also help. Try out debate, robotics, science club, journalism, or anything that sparks your curiosity. Volunteering is a great way to build skills, help communities, and boost your applications—whether it’s tutoring, working at an animal shelter, or assisting at a hospital. If you want to develop skills on your own, consider online courses or certifications in subjects like psychology, coding, or social media marketing. Websites like Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy offer free or affordable options.
Summer programs at universities are another great way to explore potential careers while also standing out on college applications. Many schools offer pre-college experiences where you can get hands-on exposure to different fields. Another simple but effective way to explore careers is by talking to professionals in different fields—ask teachers, relatives, or alumni from your school about their jobs and what they enjoy about them.
When it comes to college applications, having a consistent theme in your activities can help, but what matters most is showing growth, initiative, and curiosity. If you spend time exploring now, by junior or senior year, you might find something you love—and then you can focus on that. Most importantly, take the pressure off yourself. You don’t need to have everything figured out at 15 or 16. Just take small steps to explore different fields, and over time, you’ll naturally gravitate toward something that excites you. Keep challenging yourself academically, stay curious, and trust the process. You’ve got this!
Best wishes!