What is the best major to receive your bachelors in, if you want to go to law school after.
So I would love to be a lawyer one day. Since you have to do your undergrad first what do you suggest receiving your bachelors in. #law #female-lawyer #undergraduate #bachelorsdegree
2 answers
Sam’s Answer
I'd suggest taking a more serious undergraduate degree, but I don't believe there are many majors that would be disqualifying.
Jenna Zebrowski, JD, MBA
Jenna’s Answer
Your major isn't super-important, but your grades are. I was a journalism undergraduate, but I had law school friends who were business majors, education majors, and liberal arts. The important thing is to get into undergraduate, to get good grades and to develop the critical thinking and communicating skills necessary to succeed as an attorney if you really want to go to law school. You could also visit with your school's career counselor to see what they suggest, based on your interests an aptitudes. Good luck!