How long does it take for one to complete their Bachelor's?
I was counted the amount of time I will spend in school after High school. I was considering going into Information Technology Management. How long is the schoolimg in terms of getting your bachelors and masters degree? #information-technology-and-services #project-management #help #BS #mba
14 answers
Brian’s Answer
Depending on where you live and agreement with local colleges, you can actually begin college courses in high school and shorten your time working on your Bachelor's degree. Typically, a Bachelor's degree is a 4-year commitment, but I have actually seen some students shorten that to 3 years and even 2 if you are able to earn an Associates degree while in high school or complete substantial coursework. There are many opportunities, but it takes drive, determination, and focus.
As for your Masters degree, I would highly recommend getting a Bachelor's degree, then working for a company that offers tuition reimbursement. I found in my graduate work that real-world experience really helped in understanding key concepts and principles taught in Masters coursework. Plus, it relieved the financial burden having my employer pay for my advanced degree. Master's degree work is usually 2 to 3 years, depending on school and undergraduate major.
Olga’s Answer
1. Field of Choice & College Combination - Colleges design programs for every discipline. For example, most business programs are design for 4 years as a full student. Whereas engineering programs might be design for 5.
2. Time and effort investment - I you are able to be a full time student you will have more time each day to dedicate to study vs if you need to work or do other type of activity that competes with your time to study.
3. Experience Activities. Most colleges and universities offer the options of taking time to work to practice what have been learned. When you enroll in these programs it is likely that you will work and not take classes.
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Lauren’s Answer
Raphael’s Answer
Joshua T.N’s Answer
You can take 3 to 6 years to complete a bachelor degree depending on so many factors and your bachelor degree plan offered by your college. Here are my track breakdown:
1) For 3 years track, some majors such as psychology may be feasible to complete but you will need to take as many classes ( 4-6 classes every fall or spring semester) within your degree plan and also take summer classes. Students on a 3yr track may not enjoy their summer or have enough time for internship opportunities. Completing other majors like engineering or STEM related within 3yrs track may not be feasible because taking 4-6 classes can be challenging due to the courseloads such as programming or coding projects.
2) For 4 years track, this is usually the most common track for a lot of people to complete their degree. Personally, it took me 4yrs to earn my degree in accounting ( on fall, spring semester schedule). Although, during my last semester of college, I had 2 classes left for me complete my program. I'd recommend you take a 4 yr track, so you can have time to relax in the summer or do an internship.
3 ) Lastly, for 5-6yrs track, this is usually a safe place for some college students as they may have academic conditions such as double majoring or minoring in their field or failing certain classes and having to retake them and/or financial conditions such as not having enough money to enrol into full course workload every semester (usually a full course load is 3-5 classes every fall or spring semester depending on your degree plan)
Sumaa’s Answer
Planning for a Bachelors/Masters has a lot of factors you should consider. When I enrolled in my undergraduate, I also took A.P. classes that counted towards my college degree in my senior year of high school. Once I enrolled, I began working full time in the industry and as a result I delayed my graduation by one year. It took me 5 years to complete my undergrad. I pursued a Masters shortly after. Depending on the program you apply to, some can be completed in 1 year full time, some can take up to 2 years full time. I attended part time taking 1 class per semester which would have taken me 3 years total to complete.
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Bill’s Answer
I would add that I know a number of students that went the 2-year route for an Associates Degree, specifically through an accredited Technical College that offered an Associate Degree in IT. The biggest student benefit were the various industry certifications that they obtained along the way (e.g., Microsoft O/S, CCNA, A+, etc.). A degree is important but if you're interested in a career in IT, my experience is that the certifications are just as important.
Each of the students started with entry-level internships which eventually led to full-time employment following completion of their degree program. As was mentioned above, they then used the company perk of tuition reimbursement to pursue additional degrees.
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Lakesha’s Answer
I would also say set a plan before starting college and stick to it. It really helps when looking physically at progress on days when you need a extra boost or some motivation. It’s nice to see that you are interested in continuing your studies. I wish you the Best!
Stephen’s Answer
The length of time is highly dependant upon several factors. The typical length of time for a Bachelor's degree is four years. However; as stated above, it is possible to do it more quickly. You also need to consider internships and co-ops. More and more colleges are encouraging their students to do work study which can prolong the length of time spent before you get a degree, but can be invaluable in terms of real world experience. These programs let you start to work and put what you have learned to use - they also can be instrumental in helping you get that first job out of college. My suggestion would be to not think of the length of time before you graduate, but rather how well prepared and desirable will you be to an employer when you do graduate.
I also agree that having some work experience is vital to not only getting into the best graduate programs, but excelling there. Again, a typical Master's program will take two years. There are several accelerated programs that will allow you to get your master in less time. In addition there are weekend Master's programs where you continue in your day job and take classes both on-line and in person on the weekends. These programs are often sponsored by your employer who will cover tuition costs (usually on the condition of you continuing to work there for a period of time).
Hope this helps.

Brenda Neal
Brenda’s Answer
It typically takes 4 years if the student attends full-time. Most schools define full-time as taking at least 12 credits, which is equal to four 3-credit courses.
I attended college part-time in the evening and worked full-time by day. It took me 6 years to finish
So it really depends on how many courses you take and if you attend school year-round with no break. Also, some students start taking college courses early (while still in high school) so this can accelerate your completion of the Bachelor program as well.
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Subhashini’s Answer
Mary Ellen’s Answer
Jaycee’s Answer
Keep in mind that there are always creative ways to learn and gain specialty knowledge!
Heather’s Answer
Wishing you the best in whatever you choose!
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