What tips could a grade 11 high school student use if he is interested in becoming a pediatrician
I am currently a grade 11 high school student and am in ontario. I am highly interested in becoming a pediatrican , if any has any tips/advice please let me know!
#doctor #university #medical-field #canada-university #pediatrican
2 answers

Rachel Resnick
Rachel’s Answer
You will need to focus on stress and time management. In order to manage stress you have to manage your time wisely. <span style="background-color: transparent;">You have to set a routine for yourself and stick to it for the most part. Once you get into the groove of a routine it will be much easier for you to manage your time and have enough time for everything you need to do (including relaxing). Make yourself to-do lists on a weekly basis, use Google calendar or a planner to keep track of events, deadlines, and due dates. In addition to setting a routine and sticking to it, plan out relaxing activities into your day. Or set aside a time, after everything is done for the day, that you can have "me" time. I have also personally found it essential to not only find time for myself but also make use of that time in a way that is best for me and my holistic wellness. I have found the HeadSpace app to be an essential tool in helping me relax and generally feel more relaxed throughout the day, Guided meditation, even if you have a busy schedule, will make you feel more at ease and relaxed throughout the day as a whole (not just when you have the time to relax and focus on that "me" time).</span>
<span style="background-color: transparent;">Set a routine.Use Google Calendar.Set aside Me TimeWrite weekly to-do lists and use a planner.Find a peaceful and restful activity that will help you feel relaxed.</span>
<span style="background-color: transparent;">Here is how to be successful in them:</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">Stay on track - do assignments early, finish things a head of time, and be aware of all of your deadlines</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">do all the the assignments and read all of the coursework required- do not cut corners</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">use Google calendar to keep track of deadlines</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">communicate with your professor early if something comes up</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">do not be afraid to ask for an extension if you need one</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">study, and study a lot! you don't have regular class sessions so you will need to put in more work at home.</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">Do your best and genuinely try hard to give it your all.</span>
The best way to score high on the test is to Google search an online program or book that will help you study. Once you find an online lesson plan for success you can use it as a road map for studying. Otherwise, find a book to help you study and spend 45 mins a night reading through it and studying. Depending on when you test is, the first thing you will want to do is organize a studying schedule for yourself. Target studying certain sections of the test and divide them up by the weeks/months you have until you have to take it.
Gary’s Answer
I found this information on a collegeboard website - hope it helps...I would suggest getting the best grades you can and take as many science courses as possible - there are more tips below on things you can do in HS to get ready for a medical career. Good luck!
Career: Pediatricians
Supervising the health of children requires specific medical training. They're at risk for a variety of diseases, from chicken pox to rubella. And no matter what ails children, they need to be treated in a way that is appropriate to their age and weight. Even the nutritional needs of children are different from those of adults.
As a pediatrician, you may advise parents on taking care of their first baby, diagnose childhood cancer, and recognize the symptoms of an eating disorder. If you become a pediatrician, your impact on the health of children will stretch all the way into their adult lives.
Pediatricians are doctors who care for children from birth to early adulthood. They specialize in diseases and ailments specific to young and growing bodies.
“The best part of the job is the tremendous sense of accomplishment I get when a surgical procedure that allows a child to see or preserves his or her vision goes well.”
Lou, Pediatric Neuro-ophthalmologist
Are You Ready To...?
Talk to teens about birth control
Help overweight children start diets to prevent future health problems
Order tests to confirm your diagnoses
Give babies their immunization shots
Treat children for strep throat and other common ailments
Advise parents on surgical options and refer them to a surgeon
Spend years studying and training, and a lifetime keeping up with advances in medicine
Respond to emergencies late at night
Work closely with other doctors
It Helps To Be...
Diplomatic, sensitive, and an excellent communicator. You’ll need to listen carefully as your patients or their parents describe their symptoms. Recognizing the common threads among childhood diseases and encouraging parents to promote healthy lifestyles is an important part of the job.
Make High School Count
Take plenty of challenging math and science classes, including AP® courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus.
Enhance your communication skills through English composition, speech, and drama classes.
Sign up for psychology to learn about human nature and explore the mind-body connection.
Volunteer at a health clinic, hospital, women’s clinic, or eldercare facility.
Explore summer study programs like the University of Massachusetts High School Health Careers Program.