Career questions tagged canada-university

Do Canadian Universities take into consideration the SAT?
If I take my SAT do Canadian universities use it as a big factor of admission or do they not care as much? What are other big factors that Canadian universities take into consideration for admission?

Which career is better Occupational therapist or Medical Laboratory Technologist in Canada ?
I am studying Human Health Science (3rd year) which we learn more of anatomy and physiology also chemistry and biology. I am an introverted person however, I am a good team member and I like to interact with people but not for too long. And I want to have a chance to work part time or a flexible schedule. Also, I want to earn at least 70k annualy before tax because I will spend 2-3 more years studying to have a real job. Please let me know the pros and cons of these careers for Canada. Thank you 🙏

I'm applying to University of Manitoba in Canada into the Faculty of Science and I'm from Nigeria so one of the admission requirements is that I need an equivalent minimum average of B3 (80%) over the four courses needed with no less than C6(60%) in each course. The problem is how do I calculate my average because I'm a bit confused, to make sure I'm eligible and I meet the requirements before applying?
I'm a high school graduate.

I'm a Nigerian who wants to apply to a Canadian University to obtain an undergraduate degree and one of the requirements is my high school transcript but I have no idea what should be included in the transcript. Does anyone have an idea what my school should include in the transcript and how it should look like because the educational system in my school is very different from the ones in Canada. Also, should the academic records be from 10th grade or 7th grade?
High school graduate.

How can I prepare for a future career in sustainability?
Hello! I'm a first-year college student who is currently applying for internships and taking courses geared toward a career in environmental science or conservation. But, I'm curious about what I can do to better prepare for getting a job post-graduation! Do you have any tips for success?

Which universities have good business programs in Canada?
I am looking to transfer to another university.#college-transfer #business #college #canada-university #college-selection

How do I get an apprenticeship?
I'm taking a Welding Technician program at a polytechnic in my city when I pass I will be a second-year apprentice, but I'm still worried about getting work in an economic downturn; what can I do now to improve my success rate? (I live in Canada) #apprenticeships #welding #apprenticeship #skilled-trades #canada-university

I have few questions to ask.
If you don't feel like answering all these, please pick numbers to answer. 1-Currently doing Computer Science Engineering.(starting my final year) 2-What can I do to get myself accepted in best schools in Canada if I don't have a good GPA, would love to hear about side projects too. 3-Practically speaking, how to get financial aids in this situation? Currently doing Computer Science Engineering. 4-Should I join Masters program or get a job?(considering my academic scores) 5-What programming knowledge should I have before clearing my undergraduate program? 6-How do I select what to major in Masters program? #canada-university #computer-science #computer-programming #programming #technology Thank you .

What is the average GPA needed to get accepted into Medical school?
I want to go to Medical school in two years when I finish my undergrad. So, I want to be sure if the grades I am getting right now can get me into med school. If not, I have to strive more and take less courses to boost my CGPA. #doctor #medicine #biochemistry #gpa #canada-university

I am an international student, pursuing a Master's Degree in Electrical & Computer Engineer Carleton University.Is there any technical job which requires least coding?
Reason is that I am good at analytics, calculation , maths but bad at programming so I have a fear of note getting job due to my poor programming skills and I also think there might be many students like me who have same problem. #career-counseling #job-search #electrical-engineering #recruiting #canada-university #cryptography

Is a Bachelor's degree enough? If you commit to attending a university, will you really need a Master's degree to get a job?
So many careers have Master's and PhD programs. I don't know if i am ready for 5-10 years of university. #career-counseling #canada-university

Is living on campus or off campus better?
I would love to know your opinion #college #canada-university #campus #offcampus #oncampus

What are some good undergraduate universities in Canada
I want to become a surgeon, so what is a good undergrad university for medical in Canada?? #university #canada-university

Which is better option for study in canada engineering 1=>Doing ADVANCE DIPLOMA AND GETTING PR(5yrs)..(less expensive)2=>Complete bachlor in indian(4yrs) and doing MASTERs IN CANADA(little expensive)
Which is better option for study in canada engineering 1=>Doing ADVANCE DIPLOMA AND GETTING PR(5yrs)..(less expensive)2=>Complete bachlor in indian(4yrs) and doing MASTERs IN CANADA(little expensive) #career #career-counseling #software-engineering #study-abroad #foreign-languages #canada-university #working-abroad #living-abroad

What tips could a grade 11 high school student use if he is interested in becoming a pediatrician
I am currently a grade 11 high school student and am in ontario. I am highly interested in becoming a pediatrican , if any has any tips/advice please let me know! Thanks! #doctor #university #medical-field #canada-university #pediatrican