What website is best to learn coding (Javascript, iOS, Unity)?
As a sort of follow up to my last question (https://careervillage.org/questions/12629/what-all-do-you-need-to-do-and-have-to-be-a-computer-and-program-designer), I am currently using a website called Code School (https://codeschool.com/), but I want to know if that is a good website. It teaches Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, iOS, Git, and Database(SQL and No-SQL). are their any other I could do in partner to that, or should I ditch Code School and do something different. If you could also post a link in your question that would be nice. Thank you so much! #coding #ios #javascript #html #css #ruby
10 answers
Mark Robert’s Answer
Your mileage will vary across sites and instructors. Really what is going to teach you the best is a project to work on and the motivation to do it. Teachers are just facilitators, virtual or no.
Umme habiba’s Answer
In this free course, we will learn the basic tools every web page coder needs to know. You will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS.
Sonya’s Answer
Look at https://www.freecodecamp.org/
David’s Answer
There are many resource sites that you will use when learning coding. There are some good websites for projects as the previous people have replied. One I would definitely add is udacity.com. While this site is focused on "nano-degrees" in different areas of concentration, they also do offer many free courses that you can take. The nice thing about the courses is that they are taught by instructors that work in the field relevant to the class. These courses are collaborations of different companies like Google, AT&T, Amazon Web Services and many others.
If you are just starting out, I would suggest taking the Intro to HTML and CSS course (https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-html-and-css--ud001). I've taken the course before starting my nano-degree program with Udacity and found that a lot of the skills taught in this free course are also the skills you will learn when working through the nano-degree program.
David recommends the following next steps:
Daniel’s Answer
I highly recommend www.codeacademy.com and www.datacamp.com ...both great sites that have mobileapps that allow you to practice coding. Yes you read that right .. like anything else in life programing requires practice.. start small and build your skills by practice. Also for JavaScript specifically there is a free course/challenge available at https://javascript30.com .. its a build 30 apps challenge.
Luis’s Answer
Below are a couple of websites I used in my studies to gain knowledge coding:
It is like Mr. Henderson mentioned above already it varies across sites and instructors but if you have the drive and motivation you can work on coding all by yourself.
As I am of the belief that you will need to practice on your coding skills 'X amount of time' a day, a week. The 'X amount of time' is your drive, your motivation to put in minutes, hours, days to practice and learn code. With that 'X amount of time' you can get to where you want to go and what you want to do.
I hope this helps out William.
Continued Success,
Luis Santana
Anup’s Answer
Francislainy’s Answer
Anandharajan’s Answer
Neha’s Answer
Also the subscription version of raywenderlich is great . It has proper learning path you will not deviate , here's the link to learning paths: