Career questions tagged html

Any courses for learning HTML, CSS and Javascript?
Hello again! Coming on here to ask for some recommendations with any programs/websites that deal with web design. I'm looking for one that preferably guides me through making a website, while also having some visuals to it. Specifically, HTML, CSS and Javascript. If there's any flexbox tutorials as well, that would be greatly appreciated! I'm aware of W3Schools and CodeAcademy, though I do want to see if there are possibly any other platforms I could learn with. To also add, maybe something similar to SoloLearn? It's difficult looking for any courses like it just without the needed subscription, but I really enjoy the quiz-like format of it and the clear definitions/visuals it provides when learning. Also, if there's any projects for beginners, please do add those too! Thank you!

How do I get started in the tech industry coming from an unrelated field Are there any real pay to learn opportunities??
For the better part of a year I have been learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, and Swift. I am still relatively novice but Im learning quickly. The trouble is that I cant dedicate enough time to truly practice my skills because I am too busy at my other job. I am in a position in my life to be able to make the jump into tech at an entry level or lower job position if need be. Meaning I dont need a high paying position, I just need something to get my resume started and allow me to focus more time on building my portfolio. I have a background in Construction management and experience in industry standard computer programs like Excel, Word, Outlook, and various CRM tools. Are there any job titles that I can look for that will allow me to get my tech career started with what experience I have?

What is the difference between the color tag and the background color property?
What is the difference between the color tag and the background color property?

What is it like to work as a Network Systems Administrator?
I'm already enrolled into Job Corps and am going to work on completing my programs in customer service, computer technician and network administrator advanced program while earning my COMPTIA A+ and CCNA certification within three years. I am an aspiring network systems administrator for a start-up tech company. #networking #management #tech #technology #it #computers #computer-software #information-technology #computer-science #comptia #certifications #microsoft #linux #network #c+ #python #powershell #adobe #javascript #html #COMPTIAA+ #CCNA

UX/UI Designer V.S Web Developer
To all professionals reading this post, thank you for your precious time! I just started my journey in coding (HTML/CSS/Javascript) three months ago, I love it and I experience the so-called 'flow' state when I'm coding. (definitely a great sign!) I was wondering if you could share some career advice or your experiences in the tech industry? Why did you choose to become a web developer rather than a UX designer or UI designer? (or vice versa) Thank you so much! #computer-science #computer #technology #UX #UI #WebDev #Webdeveloper #HTML #CSS #JS #Designer #Career #Coaching #mentorship #Women-in-tech #computer-science #information-technology

What programming languages must you know for IT management or software engineer?
I know a couple languages, mostly high level but I was wondering If I have to learn C or C++ or ABC . I know python, bootstrap, html, css, java script, learning ruby and rails, and I am learning php and sql. #software-engineering #technology #web-development #computer-software #software #coding #html #css #java #javascript #it-management

How does one utilize HTML, CSS, and Java for computer science?
I was learning about HTML, CSS, and Java in school and at a computer tech camp called ID Tech Camp and was very interested in gaining an understanding on these computer languages. #computer #java #html #css

What website is best to learn coding (Javascript, iOS, Unity)?
As a sort of follow up to my last question (, I am currently using a website called Code School (, but I want to know if that is a good website. It teaches Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, iOS, Git, and Database(SQL and No-SQL). are their any other I could do in partner to that, or should I ditch Code School and do something different. If you could also post a link in your question that would be nice. Thank you so much! #coding #ios #javascript #html #css #ruby