Career questions tagged ruby

Can i get a job without college degree
I graduted from flatiron coding school in nyc. I have not any coding experience. My skills are #Javascript,#react,#ruby on rails,#angular

What website is best to learn coding (Javascript, iOS, Unity)?
As a sort of follow up to my last question (, I am currently using a website called Code School (, but I want to know if that is a good website. It teaches Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, iOS, Git, and Database(SQL and No-SQL). are their any other I could do in partner to that, or should I ditch Code School and do something different. If you could also post a link in your question that would be nice. Thank you so much! #coding #ios #javascript #html #css #ruby

What programming language should I try to learn first?
I am just learning to program in high school, but I am already learning HTML and CSS and Javascript. What should my next programming language be? I am going to go to college and I would like to start learning my next language now so I can be ahead of things for college. I know that "it depends", but I'm not sure what it depends on, and if I just want the best general option, which one do I start with? #programming #computer-programming #software-development #java #python #ruby