What are the different careers offered for Graphic Design?
#graphic-design #career #design #art #photography #video-games
I'm still thinking about what major I want to study in college. I love gaming, drawing, and photography, so I thought graphic design might be a good course to study, but I'd like to know more about it.
2 answers
Robert’s Answer
Your question listed the careers that are involved in Graphic Design. However, the question I would ask, What do you like best about Graphic Design? Where are you going to school?
There is a lot of money to be made in video games, but you could get laid off. This just happened this week as a company showed losses in the stock market so they are laying off 800. Now if you were one of the 800 what would you do.
Graphic design has other area's that you also mentioned. As I asked before, what do you like best. Where does your expertise lead you to?
Design for movies is a good area as with the advent of 3D and in the near future hole-projection, the field is wide open for a move to something different.
Ray tracing, and other tech will greatly improve the experience of running into a battle or just going down a lazy river.
So look for the best school with a multitude of courses so you can get an education that will insure your viability in the fast moving future.
Robert recommends the following next steps:

Sally Barnett
Sally’s Answer
In addition to the above answer, you could consider a foundation course which is designed to help you decide what area of design you are interested in. A foundation course is normally a level 4 course before you begin a degree course.
Sally recommends the following next steps: