2 answers
What is a typical day when working as an astrophysicist?
Common tasks
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#astrophysics #astronomy
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2 answers
Demitri’s Answer
A friend and fellow astrophysics major from my alma mater is currently working for the SOFIA project (of USA's NASA). Spectroscopy has played a very big role in the sensing, measurement and detection part of his work both in his graduate and postdoctorate work, and that in itself would have at any time involved work on calibration, hardware development, or the data pipeline.
Full disclosure, I majored in Astrophysics and pivoted in my career to software because at the time it didn't seem like there were many industry options and I didn't have the courage/confidence in myself for a purely academic career.
Full disclosure, I majored in Astrophysics and pivoted in my career to software because at the time it didn't seem like there were many industry options and I didn't have the courage/confidence in myself for a purely academic career.
John’s Answer
I have worked for astrophysicists in designing hardware for new space probes. Since I was an engineer on the project I took the scientific sensor requirements, and implemented the flight hardware to perform the mission, and allow for future remote configuration in space.