4 answers
4 answers
Ricardo’s Answer
You haven't mentioned what kind of Engineer you want to become, probably you haven't take that decision yet, but I could say that, as Bharat mentioned on a previous comment, Science and Math are the foundation of an Engineering Career. Now a days also know about coding and programming languages is highly important as a skill, considering how the automation of the processes has evolved, an Engineer usually is demanded to interact and manipulate code for multiple purposes, like fault detection, creating applications and utilities, analyze data, etc....
Something funny about coding is that, is deeply linked to math and science. It is very easy to learn the sentences, syntax and the use of a programming language considering the resources available on the internet, but what is difficult is to find the proper and optimal way to implement a solution in code, that is where science and math help you out with the logic and the algorithms to use it
Something funny about coding is that, is deeply linked to math and science. It is very easy to learn the sentences, syntax and the use of a programming language considering the resources available on the internet, but what is difficult is to find the proper and optimal way to implement a solution in code, that is where science and math help you out with the logic and the algorithms to use it
shivakesh’s Answer
suggest you take computer, science and math subjects primarily in your 11th and 12th. That should give you great basic knowledge to go ahead and write competitive