How long do you need to prepare an art portfolio?
I'm about to attend Texas Tech University this fall for the college of Architecture. I know that all architecture majors need a portfolio by second semester and I haven't even started the portfolio. #major #architecture #architect #artist-portfolio
2 answers
Ron’s Answer
It depends on the format the college is requesting your portfolio to be in. Do they want all original work? Photos of 3 dimensional work? etc. I would find out how many pieces they require and the options to exhibit them in. If you have to take photos or change to a different forms digitally, consider the time you need for that and if you can do it or getting a professoinal to do it for you. What text or narrative, if any, is expected with each piece. Again, wht are they looking for? Once you have that informatin from the college, your teachers who helped teach and guide you should be able to help you put it together. Good luck!
Nick’s Answer
Your professors will be able to help you and show you examples of good portfolios to emulate. Architecture portfolios will often encompass work you have done in your design studios or other classes. You could add in hand sketching, photography or other artistic mediums if you have them. However, even though you might not be creating any new work, you should spend a good amount of time on the layout and formatting so all the text and images are similar.
To make a good one, I would spend a couple days on it, say 15 - 30 hours.