6 answers
Are high school internships worth it?
Hi there,
I am currently a rising senior in the Bay Area and a lot of students around me are interning for big corporate companies as a high schooler. I am wondering if this opportunity will actually add value to your profile/resume in the future? What makes a high school internship different from a college-level internship? #high-school #internships #work #opporunities #july20th
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6 answers
Kellen’s Answer
Hi Tara, great question. Any internship is worth it. The experience you gain and the networking is key to the next step and the earlier you can start gaining that the better. As a senior, an internship is certainly not expected and if you have one then you are ahead of the game. In other words, it is by no means necessary but will definitely be valuable to you moving forward. Another thing to keep in mind is that by having an internship in high school, you will likely have an easier time finding a more coveted internship in college which could lead to a full time position after graduation. Networking and experience is a chain reaction. As for your second question, it depends on where your internship is. Typically, there is not much difference between a high school internship from a college-level position other than expectations. College students usually have a concentration in which they have been specializing in and taking classes for that they can apply to their duties. High school students will not typically have that experience so they may do more shadowing and assisting. All opportunities are different and I encourage you to reach out to those other students to see what kinds of experiences they are having in their internships and whether it is something that would be the right fit for you.
Carina’s Answer
Hello Tara!
I don't think it's necessary to have one. I do think having some sort of experience, whether it be volunteer work or a part time job, will add to your resume/college apps. In my experience, high school internships lean more towards administrative tasks (filing, organizing) whereas my college internship utilizes the skills I've learned from my major (data analysis, journey mapping, etc.)
Good luck!
I don't think it's necessary to have one. I do think having some sort of experience, whether it be volunteer work or a part time job, will add to your resume/college apps. In my experience, high school internships lean more towards administrative tasks (filing, organizing) whereas my college internship utilizes the skills I've learned from my major (data analysis, journey mapping, etc.)
Good luck!
Amber’s Answer
Hi Tara! High school internships are completely worth it if you have the time and resources for a few reasons:
1. This is great opportunity to test out and learn about different careers that interest you
2. If you plan to attend college, feeling more confident about what career path you are pursuing can help you select a major early on and prevent additional school/cost that could be associated with deciding on a major after you've already started
3. Having some experience in a professional environment prior to your first college internship or even first full-time job is SO helpful. It not only shows employers you are ambitious, but also gives you more confidence going into your next role because you've already got some experience under your belt.
Hope that helps!
1. This is great opportunity to test out and learn about different careers that interest you
2. If you plan to attend college, feeling more confident about what career path you are pursuing can help you select a major early on and prevent additional school/cost that could be associated with deciding on a major after you've already started
3. Having some experience in a professional environment prior to your first college internship or even first full-time job is SO helpful. It not only shows employers you are ambitious, but also gives you more confidence going into your next role because you've already got some experience under your belt.
Hope that helps!
Taylor’s Answer
Hi Tara,
I am a senior in college and I was recently in your shoes. My advice for you is, while you're in high school pursue those opportunities that excite and interest you, while keeping in mind what skills you are developing in those positions and how they could give you insight on the kinds of careers you would be good at or interested in. Every job/experience is always an opportunity to learn about what you like & don't like.
Best of luck to you!
I am a senior in college and I was recently in your shoes. My advice for you is, while you're in high school pursue those opportunities that excite and interest you, while keeping in mind what skills you are developing in those positions and how they could give you insight on the kinds of careers you would be good at or interested in. Every job/experience is always an opportunity to learn about what you like & don't like.
Best of luck to you!
Mula’s Answer
Hello Tara,
I believe that high school internships are a way to help you build skills that you will need in the future regardless of what you do. They can also provide valuable insight on the respective field of the internship. Even if the internship is not something that you may not want to do in the future, I believe it is beneficial in determining what you actually want to do. I have done internships in high school that were not geared toward my future goals but I have gained communication skills and collaboration skills because of it. I believe that any experience is good experience to have.
In terms of the difference in high school and college internships, I don't think that there is much difference aside from knowledge. Of course in college you are expected to know more and understand the role you are getting into so the load of work you do will be dependent on that. However my high school internships and the college internship I am doing now are in two very different fields but both have made me feel a part of a team, and because of my internship experience in high school, integrating into a new environment of work has become easier.
I hope that helps and good luck!
I believe that high school internships are a way to help you build skills that you will need in the future regardless of what you do. They can also provide valuable insight on the respective field of the internship. Even if the internship is not something that you may not want to do in the future, I believe it is beneficial in determining what you actually want to do. I have done internships in high school that were not geared toward my future goals but I have gained communication skills and collaboration skills because of it. I believe that any experience is good experience to have.
In terms of the difference in high school and college internships, I don't think that there is much difference aside from knowledge. Of course in college you are expected to know more and understand the role you are getting into so the load of work you do will be dependent on that. However my high school internships and the college internship I am doing now are in two very different fields but both have made me feel a part of a team, and because of my internship experience in high school, integrating into a new environment of work has become easier.
I hope that helps and good luck!
Simeon’s Answer
There shouldn't be too much of a difference between a high school internship and a college internship in terms of what you can put on your resume. If anything, you might be able to add some more lines of description about what you did, assuming they would give you more responsibilities as a college student. If you have a chance to get an internship that young, I'd say go for it! You don't have to do one if you don't want to, but it is a big opportunity nonetheless.