7 answers
Are there any recommondations for classes to take in highschool?
#highschool #class #science #anatomy #health #doctor #gynocology
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7 answers
Michael’s Answer
Dear Rose,
Please provide some more background so that an intelligent answer can be offered.
It appears you may be interested in medicine. I would recommend English would be a good class to take as communication is of utmost important in medicine or any health profession.
Then, some social or hard science, such as biology, chemistry, or physic would be helpful.
Hope this is helpful.
Please provide some more background so that an intelligent answer can be offered.
It appears you may be interested in medicine. I would recommend English would be a good class to take as communication is of utmost important in medicine or any health profession.
Then, some social or hard science, such as biology, chemistry, or physic would be helpful.
Hope this is helpful.
Amanda’s Answer
Hi Rose,
It is important to get a well rounded education that will both help you prepare for the future job force but also to be a productive citizen/adult. Try taking classes in a variety of topics (Science, History, English) to get an idea of what interests you. Classes such as finance and civics can help for the rest of your life, even if you don't choose them as a career. I would recommend using high school as a time to really decide what your strengths are and explore as many possibilities as you can.
It is important to get a well rounded education that will both help you prepare for the future job force but also to be a productive citizen/adult. Try taking classes in a variety of topics (Science, History, English) to get an idea of what interests you. Classes such as finance and civics can help for the rest of your life, even if you don't choose them as a career. I would recommend using high school as a time to really decide what your strengths are and explore as many possibilities as you can.
Dakayla’s Answer
If you are interested in the medical field, I recommend taking healthcare classes that will teach you about working in the healthcare field. I also recommend taking science classes such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, and physical science. Other possible class options include psychology and sociology.
Sheila’s Answer
Hi Rose:
Thank you for your question. It appears that you want to go in the medical field. I agree with the previous responses you've received at this point. May I request that you check to see if your school participates in a medical explorers program like the one listed below in the link. It would be a great experience for you. Best of luck to you.
~ Sheila
Medical Explorers Program • (https://www.pcom.edu/campuses/georgia-campus/news-and-events/ga-pcom-news/medical-explorers-learn-from-hands-on-scenarios.html)
Thank you for your question. It appears that you want to go in the medical field. I agree with the previous responses you've received at this point. May I request that you check to see if your school participates in a medical explorers program like the one listed below in the link. It would be a great experience for you. Best of luck to you.
~ Sheila
Sheila recommends the following next steps:
Yasemin’s Answer
Hi Rose! If you are interested in medicine I would advise to take AP classes as well. I wish I took more -unfortunately I was a bit scared as a high school student- but I did take AP Biology and it was amazing! I learned much and really got to expand my thinking for medicine. I would also advise to take anatomy because it will show up for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) that you must take before applying to medical school. It is also a great help for medical school as well! You can also take it in college as well but it would be a good class to have experience with beforehand!
I wish you the best!
I wish you the best!
Estelle’s Answer
Absolutely. Take the AP science and math classes including chemistry, biology, physics and calculus. These will prepare you well for the pre-med requirements.
Claire’s Answer
I would say that any AP science class such as AP Bio or AP Chem would be helpful just to expose you to a college level science course and the material it covers to give you an idea of the workload and nature of STEM college courses. Also, any anatomy/physiology class would be helpful to introduce you to basic anatomy.