2 answers
If I Complete a Intergrated Mtech degree in VIT , will i get a certificate where it is mentioned like Intergrated Mtech or Mtech
#college #VIT #IntergratedMtech #Mtech #college-admissions #degree #Engineering #engineering #engineer
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2 answers
Shubham’s Answer
Hello Ragavendra R.,
It will hardly matter from industry point of view that whether you get degree in Intergrated Mtech or Mtech. The thing that really matter is your knowledge and skills that you gained in the course..
For this Degree name you better ask you college for clarification
It will hardly matter from industry point of view that whether you get degree in Intergrated Mtech or Mtech. The thing that really matter is your knowledge and skills that you gained in the course..
For this Degree name you better ask you college for clarification
Sumitra’s Answer
Hello Ragavendra! Usually a certificate bears the degree you're enrolled in. So for example, if you can check in Andhra University someone did an integrated mtech, so he/ she had the same thing mentioned on the certificate as well.
It would be better if you contact VIT and check with them or an alumni from VIT integrated mtech. You may check this either in VIT website or from LinkedIn.
Hope it helps 😊
It would be better if you contact VIT and check with them or an alumni from VIT integrated mtech. You may check this either in VIT website or from LinkedIn.
Hope it helps 😊