What is it like to work as a Network Systems Administrator?
I'm already enrolled into Job Corps and am going to work on completing my programs in customer service, computer technician and network administrator advanced program while earning my COMPTIA A+ and CCNA certification within three years. I am an aspiring network systems administrator for a start-up tech company. #networking #management #tech #technology #it #computers #computer-software #information-technology #computer-science #comptia #certifications #microsoft #linux #network #c+ #python #powershell #adobe #javascript #html #COMPTIAA+ #CCNA
11 answers
Doc’s Answer
In the past, earning a bachelor's degree in computing-related subjects such as management information systems, information science or computer science was a sufficiently relevant education path to become a network system administrator. Schools have since created dedicated programs like Cisco CNNA certification or Microsoft's MCSE certifications or Sun Microsystems to stay current with technology trends. Certification programs are another popular educational option in network administration. Because of the rapid technological advancements in network systems, many professional network administrators periodically update their skills through advanced certification courses. Good communication, interpersonal and leadership skills are some other factors to be considered. With rise in global economy, companies are implementing advanced systems for operations and data storage. Demand for Network System Administrators is expected to increase due to rising demand for information security. Companies will look forward to hire Network System Administrators for optimizing their systems to lower costs and increase their productivity.
Hope this is helpful Michael
Carl’s Answer
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AJ’s Answer
Maite’s Answer
Keep in mind that the networking technologies are a key piece to provide critical services for different businesses: banking, health, security, factories for example, sharing medical records, smart cities, security, money transfer, education , .. with which you will have the opportunity to learn a lot impacting critical services on users/citizens, which is very rewarding.
As networking technologies are part of our day-to-day training, you will have the opportunity to work on innovative projects.
In addition to the technical knowledge needed, considering what this job requires, maybe there are other abilities that you can consider to work:
- Manage complex situation. Acquire ability to solve complex technical problems. A Network Administrator must be a decisive person with great ability to solve complex problems. You must be prepared to manage stressful situations and to work both in a team and individually.
- Communication. Also, a Network Administrator must be a good communicator. As an expert in its area, you must know how to explain complex issues to people who lack a technical profile.
Go for it and good luck!!!
Andréa’s Answer
Andréa recommends the following next steps:
Thammanna’s Answer
avi’s Answer
the sys admin is th heart ans soul of the compnay .
" when nothing works - what are u doing all day "
"when everything word - what are u doing all day"
wouldnt trade that feeling for no other job positioning in the world !!!!
Todd’s Answer
As someone who has done both system and network administration, it's important to stress that you keep current with the industry. As infrastructure increasingly becomes more software-based, understanding an automation programming language such as Python can be very helpful to future proof your career. There are a variety of free courses or minimal cost Python courses available.
Technology administration roles means when it's not working, you or colleagues will likely be engaged to resolve the issue. This can be at varying times during the day and night and may be stressful depending on the circumstance. It's important to keep this in mind when gauging your options. Long-term, remember your audience when explaining technical topics to the business. You want to phrase the impact or status in a way they will understand.
Patricia’s Answer
A Network admin's main job is to keep the network internally and externally working as functional and error free as possible. Part of our tasks is to monitor the network using external tools, backing up the switches to an external log server, using routing protocols to move the traffic from source to destination with minimal intervention.
Another important task is working the security team to keep the network secure.
A critical component of a network admin's job is to document the network; connection by connection, P2P by P2P.
Hope this helps!
Josh’s Answer
Aishwarya’s Answer
They have to ensure stable operation of the computer networks
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